法国初中教导改造开端于20世纪90年月,在全球鼓起的课程改造海潮中,法国在继续其传统初中教导优势的基本长进行了多方面的摸索,在课程范畴中涌现了很多新的变更。个中看重对先生自己的存眷异样也是现今世界教导改造的配合趋向,与我国新课改后强调“进程与办法”目的的完成有异曲同工的地方,而这些变更最直不雅地反响在教材的编写特色上。我国对中学地舆教材图象体系的研究获得了一些结果,但依然还有完善的地方,在这类趋向下,把与我国教导体系体例存在很多个性的法国作为研究对象,经由过程教材图象体系的综合比拟剖析,不只可以懂得法国地舆课程改造的停顿情形,找出个中的优势和缺乏,并且使我国地舆教授教养在进步的进程中多了一个可兹比拟和自创的同伴,加倍有益于以后我国地舆新课程改造的推动。本论文从法国中学地舆教导现状动身,全体剖析法国地舆教材的概略和法国第6册到第3册地舆教材图象体系的构造特色。在论文研究进程中,选择我国新课改中重点强调的“进程与办法”目的作为研究法国初中地舆教材图象体系的线索,经由过程综合剖析教材中运用的各类图象案例,找到该套教材图象体系杀青地舆“进程与办法”目的的奇特表现。基于以上的剖析,本论文吸取法国地舆教材图象体系设计的有效经历,总结我国地舆教材图象体系完成地舆“进程与办法”目的的缺乏,而且联合我国地舆课程改造现实,经由过程案例比较剖析,对我国地舆教材图象体系的编制提出“重视图文联合”、“优化图象组合”和“强化文图转换”的建议和看法。愿望经由过程本论文的研究能将本国地舆教导改造和世界地舆教导改造无机地联合起来,而且持续看重研究对于列国地舆教材出现的个性和特性变更。 Abstract: French junior high school teaching renovation beginning in the 1990s, in the world to muster up the curriculum reform tide, France in basic the of continues its tradition of junior high school teaching advantages of many aspects of exploration, in the curriculum category has emerged many new changes. Medium value of his own concern, strange is now the world teach reform of the common trend. After China's new curriculum reform with emphasis on the completion of the "process and method" has similar place, and these changes most direct Ya response on the writing features of the textbooks. Chinese of middle school geography textbooks image system research and obtain some results, but still perfect, in this trend, the French and Chinese teaching system has a lot of personality as the research object, through the process of textbook image system with a comprehensive and comparative analysis, not only can understand the pause of French geography curriculum reform, find out the advantages of medium and lack of and make our country geography teaching in the progress of many a kotze compare and learn from peers, double benefit to promote China's geography in the new curriculum reform. This paper from the French Middle School Geography Teach status to start, all the analysis compendium of French geography textbooks and French Book 6 to the structural characteristics of 3 volumes of geography textbook image system. In the research process, the choice of our country's new curriculum reform emphasizes the "process and method" as the research clue to the French junior high school geography textbook image system, through the process analysis of comprehensive textbook application of image case, find the textbook image system fixation to geography "process and method" for the purpose of the peculiar performance. Based on the analysis of the above, this thesis draw French geography textbook image system design of effective experience, summed up China's geography textbook image system to complete the geography "process and method" to lack, and combined with China's geography curriculum reform reality, through case comparison analysis and preparation of our geography textbook image system put forward "attention graphic combination", "combinatorial optimization image" and "strengthen the graph transformation" proposals and views. The study of this thesis can combine the local geography teaching reform with the world geography teaching reform, and continue to value the personality and characteristic change of the geography teaching materials. 目录: 中文摘要 5-6 Abstract 6-7 第一章 绪论 10-20 1.1 问题的提出 10-12 1.2 国内外探讨综述 12-18 1.2.1 国外探讨综述 12-15 1.2.2 国内探讨综述 15-18 1.3 探讨措施 18-20 1.3.1 文献探讨法 18 1.3.2 比较探讨法 18-19 1.3.3 数据统计法 19-20 第二章 法国初中地理教材概述 20-28 2.1 法国中学地理教育概况 20-21 2.2 法国初中地理教材评析 21-28 2.2.1 教材内容组织科学 23-24 2.2.2 人文地理特色鲜明 24-25 2.2.3 重视“人地关系”教育 25-26 2.2.4 重视世界性问题探讨 26 2.2.5 重视区域地理的学习 26-28 第三章 法国初中地理教材图像系统的结构 28-33 3.1 地理图像系统概述 28-29 3.2 法国初中地理教材图像类型分布 29-30 3.3 法国初中地理教材图像在各栏目中的比重 30-31 3.4 法国初中地理教材图像系统的呈现方式 31-33 3.4.1 图像类型丰富 31 3.4.2 突出“过程与措施” 31-32 3.4.3 重视图文配合 32-33 第四章 法国初中地理教材图像系统“过程与措施”目标的体现 33-50 4.1 新课程标准“过程与措施”目标的内涵 33 4.2 阅读图像实现“过程与措施” 33-43 4.2.1 阅读地图 34-37 4.2.2 对比景观图 37-40 4.2.3 应用示意图 40-43 4.3 绘制图像达成“过程与措施” 43-50 4.3.1 培养地理绘图措施 43-45 4.3.2 掌握文图转换表达方式 45-50 第五章 对我国中学地理教材图像系统达成“过程与措施”目标的启示 50-63 5.1 整体编排图像系统实现“过程与措施” 50-53 5.1.1 图像类型 50-51 5.1.2 图像大小 51-52 5.1.3 图像色彩 52 5.1.4 图文配合 52-53 5.2 对我国地理教材图像系统达成“过程与措施”目标的编制建议 53-63 5.2.1 注重图文结合 53-56 5.2.2 优化图像组合 56-59 5.2.3 强化文图转换 59-61 5.2.4 增加图图转换 61-63 第六章 结语 63-64 致谢 64-65 参考文献 65-68 附录 68-72 |