歌剧是音乐与戏剧、文学、歌颂与乐队完善的联合体。在一部歌剧著作中,胜利的人物抽象塑造对一部歌剧的质量起着无足轻重的感化。尽人皆知,法语论文题目,重要人物的抽象塑造又是睁开戏剧、提醒内在的焦点手腕,也是决议一部歌剧著作胜利与否的主要标记之一。在普契尼十二部歌剧著作中,有七部是直接以女配角的名字定名的,十部是以男女配角动人至深的恋爱故事为主题。女性人物抽象的描绘在普契尼的歌剧著作中占领相对主要的地位,法语毕业论文,而且曾经成为其歌剧著作的奇特亮点之一。本文拔取普契尼的代表性歌剧波希米亚人中女配角咪咪为研究对象,力图较周全、过细地总括出咪咪人物抽象描绘的艺术特点,对歌剧波希米亚人及咪咪的人物懂得更加深入到位。本文从普契尼及其歌剧波希米亚人、作用咪咪人物抽象塑造的身分、咪咪的社会位置及其在戏剧、音乐上的表示等五个方面停止过细剖析,深刻发掘波希米亚人中咪咪典范的人物特点,尽最年夜尽力构成深刻、透辟和体系的平面常识构建。全文主体分为两部门第一部门对咪咪的社会位置停止定位剖析。从作用咪咪人物抽象塑造的身分动手,经由过程对其经济生涯状况、婚姻恋爱位置及安康状态三方面的剖析,为深刻懂得咪咪人物抽象奠基基本。第二部门对咪咪的人物抽象塑造停止较为周全的论述。从戏剧和音乐角度对人物抽象描绘的停止深层商量,详细阐述作曲家是若何运用戏剧和音乐的奇特手腕来表示咪咪的经济生涯、恋爱和安康这些与咪咪社会位置互相关注的方面,从而在舞台上塑造了如许一个羞怯而悲观、温柔却顽强的经典女性抽象。 Abstract: The opera is music and drama, literature, and the perfect combination of the band sing. In the opera, characters of the victory of an Opera plays the role of little importance. Is well-known and important figures in the image building is open drama, to remind the inner focus of the wrist, is the resolution of one of the opera's success mainly labeled. In Puccini's twelve opera works, there are seven is directly to the name of the supporting actress named and ten is the actor and actress moving to the deep love story for the theme. Abstract description of female characters occupied relative main position in Puccini's opera works, and has become one of the highlights of the opera works of the strange. This article selects the Puccini on behalf of the opera La Boheme in supporting actress Mimi as the research object, trying to more comprehensive and meticulous to sum up Mimi abstract figures depicted in art characteristics, the opera La Boheme and Mimi character knows more in-depth in place. The from the Puccini and his opera La Boheme, Mimi characters of shaping the image of identity, Mimi's social position and in music, drama, said five stopped meticulous analysis, the deep excavation model of Mimi in La Boheme character, do most of the eve trying to compose profound and penetrating and system of plane knowledge construction. The main text is divided into two parts. The first part of the social position of Mimi stop positioning analysis. From the influence of Mimi characters as hands-on, through the process of its economic status, marriage and career love analysis of three aspects of the position and state of Ankang, to deeply understand the characters Mimi foundation. The second sector of Mimi's characters more comprehensive exposition. From the point of view of drama and music of the characters and abstract description of stop deep discuss, the composer is stated in detail how to use music and drama strange wrist to represent the Mimi's economic life, love and health aspects of with Mimi social position to focus on each of these, and on the stage plastic made such a timid and pessimistic, gentle but tenacious classic female image. 目录: 论文摘要 6-7 ABSTRACT 7 引言 9-12 一、探讨目的 9 二、探讨背景 9-10 三、探讨价值和意义 10-12 绪论 12-17 第一节 普契尼的生平概述 12-13 第二节 普契尼的歌剧及其突出的女性主题 13-17 第一章 作用咪咪人物形象塑造的因素 17-27 第一节 剧本波希米亚人的生活情景 17-22 第二节 歌剧创作的社会时代背景 22-25 第三节 普契尼的生活环境因素 25-27 第二章 十九世纪法国女性社会地位视角下的咪咪 27-41 第一节 女性社会地位的涵义 27-30 第二节 十九世纪法国女性的社会地位 30-38 第三节 女性社会地位视角下咪咪的典型特征 38-41 第三章 咪咪的人物形象略论 41-69 第一节 少女的羞涩与珍贵的乐观 41-53 第二节 外表的温顺与内心的坚强 53-61 第三节 疾病的折磨与死亡的结局 61-69 结语 69-70 附录 70-72 参考文献 72-75 后记 75 |