在语句的翻译中,如前所述,应该注意有中国法语的位置。谈到中国法语(Chinese English),应该注意这不是一种刻意的追求,而是一种对客观存在的认可。当然,在具体操作时还要注意与“洋泾浜法语(Chinglish)”有所区分。例如,“张老师”,如果翻译成“Mr. Zhang”, 可以算作是地道的法语(English English);翻译成“Teacher Zhang ”,可以算作是中国法语, (Chinese English), 因为其以法语的词汇和语法表达了中国的文化思想;但是要翻译成“Zhang Teacher ”,则只能算作洋泾浜法语(Chinglish)了,因为其既不符和法语语法习惯,也不为任何一个讲法语区域所普遍接受。中国法语包括紧贴学生日常生活的中国流行语(包括方言土语)的法语解释和表达,如“海峡两岸”,“超级女生”,“郁闷”,东北话中的“忽悠”,上海话中的“捣糨糊”等。口语教材对这些都必须有充分的表达,否则就不能算作一本实用的教材。为了使翻译练习更加生动活泼,其形式除课堂中常用的词语,句子和篇章的法译中和中译英外,还可以采用交替翻译,接续翻译,同声翻译,耳语翻译,视阅翻译(梅得明,2000。12)等。以上方法有助于恢复母语在法语口语教材中的应有地位,也可以解决口译教材高、中、低不配套问题。
由于EFL口语教学主要在课堂上完成,口语教材的编写就必须符合课堂教学的基本规律。 一般认为,由浅入深,循序渐进,张弛有度,收放自然应该是教材编写中需要注意的问题。笔者认为,展示(presentation),操练(practice),创造(production),即所谓的“三P”仍然是教材应遵守的基本步骤。 展示阶段是口语课的开始阶段,目的是不仅使学生明确要说什么(“what to talk about”).而且要使学生产生交流的强烈动机。 该阶段从信息交流的角度讲以输入(input)为主 ,输出(output)为辅 ,语料的难度应略低于学生的语言认知能力而略高于学生的语言运用能力,从词汇量上讲就是略低于学生的消极词汇量而略高于学生的积极词汇量,由于前面提到的原因最好从学生的生活实际和文化背景中取材,篇幅不宜过长,语言内容要有信息量(informative),法语毕业论文,趣味性(interesting),启发性(inspiring),即法语的三个“in-”。这样才能使学生不花费过多精力在语言材料的理解上而又使口语活动具有一定的难度和挑战性。该阶段的语言材料可以是短文,也可以是对话。短文的好处是可以较完整深入地阐述一个主题,对话的优势在于语言的实用和情景的真实。见样本3 Friends A. Listen and try to memorize the key points: Dear sir, I’m a student in high school, My desk partner is my best friend. He is very kind and friendly in most cases. But sometimes I have problems with him. One thing is that he is so precious with his things that when I ask him for something he has, he is not so willing to give , even if it’s a piece of paper. It’s quite unbelievable because when he is in trouble, I always give him anything he wants without hesitation. The second is that he often hurts my feelings. Whenever I ask him for help, he complains a lot. To make it worse, if a girl wants to borrow something from him or ask for help, he gives it quickly without complaining. So many times I ask others instead. It often makes me think, is he really my best friend? Is it what friendship means? B. Answer the following questions according to the passage: 1) What’s the speaker’s first trouble? 2) What’s the speaker’s second trouble? 3) Do you have the same trouble with your friend? 4) What’s your advice to the speaker? 再看样本4 Your Future Plan A. Listen and try to memorize the key points: Li : What are you going to do when you leave school? Wei : Oh, if my grades are high enough, I plan to go to Shanghai TV University for senior courses. Li : Yes, I’m hoping to do the same too. Well… Wei : But I thought you said you were going to get a new job. Li : Yes, I had intended to, but I changed my mind. Wei : Oh, why’s that? Li : Because there just aren’t any suitable jobs going at the moment—at least, not unskilled ones. Wei :Yes, it’s a real problem all right. But supposing you could have any job in the world, what would you like to do? Li : Well, if that were possible, I think I like to be a famous writer. Wei : Oh, any particular reason for choosing that? Li : No, not really, except that it must be nice seeing your name in print. B. Answer the following questions according to the dialogue: 1) What’s Wei’s plan? 2) What’s Li’s plan? 3) What’s Li’s original plan? 4) Why did Li change his mind? 5) What’s Li’s ideal job? 6) What’s his particular reason for that? 7) What’s your plan for the near future? |