大学俄语阅读能力的培养 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

本论文探讨的目的是在心理语言学有关阅读理论的指导下探究更为有效的大学俄语阅读教学模式。 首先,我们采用文献探讨的措施,论述了心理语言学在阅读方面的探讨成果及其对外语阅读教学的指导意义。阅读是复杂的心智活动,是从书面材料中获取信息并作用读者的非智力因素的过程,记忆、思维、想象等智力因素和动机、兴趣、意志等非智力因素都与阅读相互发生影响。阅读是生理过程和心理过程的统一。自下而上模型、自上而下模型和交互影响模型等阅读模型以及命题理论、图式理论、容量理论等阅读理解的相关理论对外语阅读教学具有重要的指导意义。 然后,本论文对大学俄语阅读教学进行了全面的略论。大学俄语属于综合性基础课,大学俄语阅读是理解性和积累性阅读,熟读、背诵是实现理解和积累的重要阅读措施。学生在阅读中主要存在的问题是词汇量不足、理解不准确和对俄罗斯文化了解不够。 最后,我们进行了一系列教学实验,并通过对实验结果的略论、论证,提出了可行的大学俄语阅读教学措施。我们认为应按技能课的要求把俄语阅读能力训练分为具有稳定性的全程训练的大结构和具有可变性的过程训练的小结构,始终以培养阅读能力为目的,以技能训练为主要手段;依据课程的结构原理,建立课内导读和课外自读两种体系,充分挖掘课外潜力,扩大阅读量;加强大学俄语泛读教学,充分发挥图式理论的优势,培养学生自上而下的阅读习惯;大学俄语阅读教学不仅要重视能力的培养和知识的积累,还要注重动机、兴趣、意志、习惯等非智力因素的培养,使智力因素和非智力因素共同发生影响。

The aim of the theses is to explore the more effective teaching mode of college Russian in reading with the guide of psychological linguistics theory.First, we have adopted the approach of documentary research to expound the achievements of psychological linguistics in reading and its guiding significance to foreign language teaching. Reading is a complex mental and intelligent activity. it is the process of obtaining data from reading materialsand affecting readers’ non-intelligent factors. Intelligent factors, such asmemory, thinking, imagination and non-inte11igent factors, such as motive, emotions, interests, willingness, interact with reading. Reading is the organic combination of physical and psychological process. These reading patterns—from top to bottom pattern, from bottom to top pattern, interactionpattern, and its relevant theories of reading comprehension-propositiontheory, graph theory, capacity theory, have important significance to the foreign language teaching.Next, we have analysed the teaching of reading incollege Russian comprehensively. College Russian belongs to the elementary integrated course. Its reading should be comprehensive and accumulative, and fluent reading and reciting is their important reading approach. The major problems in reading for students are insufficient vocabulary, incorrect comprehension, and the lack understanding of Russian culture.Finally we have advanced feasible teaching approaches of reading in college Russian, based on the analyses and exposition to the experiment results, after we performed a series of teaching experiments. Based on the principles of structure, college Russian reading should establish the two systems of guiding-reading inside class and self-reading outside class in order to exploittheir potential ities fully. We divide the training structures of reading ability into two, one is the stable training of the whole course; and the other is the flexible training of the process. We take the development of reading ability as our ultimate goal; the training skills and abilities as our principal means. We introduce extensive reading into the teaching of college Russian reading and makethe best use of proposition theory and graph theory. We develop students’ top-to- bottom habit of reading and make them manufacture materials from bottom to top based on their visual data, at the same time make them understand materials from top to bottom based on existent graphs. The teaching of college Russian reading should attach importance not only to the development of ability and the accumulation of knowledge, but also to the development of non-intelligent factors, such as motive, emotions, interests, willingness and habits. Therefore, intelligent factors and non-intelligent factors can interact on each other.
