俄汉语表达数量意义的手段及功能对比 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

随着世界各国科学文化交流的不断发展和语言学探讨的深入,语言作为人类思维、交际的工具,日益受到人们的关注。汉语和俄语都是世界上最丰富的语言,由于受到历史、文化、宗教等因素的作用,两种语言存在很大的异同。利用对比语言学的理论对俄、汉两种语言进行对比探讨,可以促进两种语言的学习和掌握,规范语言的使用。 数量观念作为人类最基本的认知方式之一,在人们的日常生活中起着不可缺少的影响。它不仅广泛运用于科学技术领域,还深刻地体现在语言中问,俄语崇尚数字“七”,汉语喜欢数字“九”,都体现着一定的民族文化特性。本文把密不可分的“数”与“量”两个概念结合起来,对俄、汉语中数量意义表达方式、手段功能进行对比探讨,以深化对数量观念的理解。 通过对比俄汉两种语言表达数量意义时在词汇、语法、句法、功能等方面的差异,我们发现:汉语是略论语,主要借助词汇手段来表达数量意义,数词和量词是汉语表达数量意义最主要的手段;俄语是综合语,除利用词汇手段来表达数量意义外,借助词组、句子、词序、上下文等多种不同的语法和句法手段也可表达数量意义,是一个比较复杂的系统。此外,在表达数量意义时,俄汉语具有一定的修辞、语义和语用差别。 利用对比语言学的相关理论,对俄汉语的数量意义的进行对比探讨,不仅可以帮助语言学习者克服母语的作用,掌握语言间细微的词汇、语法、语义、文化异同,而且有利于辅助外语教学,关于深化语言学习、促进俄汉两个民族文化交流起着一定的影响。 本论文共分为五个部分: 第一部分:介绍对比语言学的相关理论,主要介绍对比语言学的产生、发展;对比的准则和措施;对相关术语进行界定。 第二部分:介绍俄语和汉语对数量意义的探讨情况。 第三部分:手段对比,从静态和动态两个角度对比探讨俄、汉两种语言表达物量意义和动量意义的形式和手段。 第四部分:功能对比,从修辞、语义和语用三个方面研讨俄、汉两种语言表达数量意义的特点。 第五部分:结语。

With the continuous development of the international communication in science and culture and the further study in linguistics, language as the tool for human beings’ thinking and communicating has achieved more and more concerns. Chinese and Russian are the two richest languages in the world, but there exist great distinctions between the two languages due to history, culture and religion. A comparative analysis between the two languages by means of the theories of comparative linguistics can improve the study and mastery of the two languages and regulate their usages.The concepts of number and amount are part of the most basic cognitive means of human beings, which play an indispensable role in people’s daily life. They are not only used in scientific and technological fields, but reflected within the use of language. For example, Russians admire the number of $apos;$seven$apos;$, while Chinese adore $apos;$nine$apos;$, which both represent the certain national characteristics. This paper combines the concepts of number and amount together to make a comparative analysis of the expressional modes, means and functions of the unified meaning of number and amount in Russian and Chinese to achieve a deeper understanding of the meaning of number and amount.Through the comparison between the two languages in lexis, grammar, syntax and function when expressing the meaning of number and amount, we found that Chinese is a kind of analytical language with the help of lexes, that is, the number words and the amount words, to express the meaning of number and amount; Russian is a kind of inflectional language, apart from lexical means, which is a relatively complex system when expressing the meaning of number and amount through phrases, sentences, the order of sentences and the context. Otherwise, there are some distinctions in rhetoric, semantics and pragmatics between Russian and Chinese when expressing the meaning of number and amount.A comparative analysis of the meaning of number and amount with the relative theories of comparative linguistics can help language learners overcome the influences of the mother language and master the nuances in lexis, grammar, syntax and culture between the two languages. On the other hand, this analysis can facilitate the foreign language teaching and learning and improve the cultural communication between Russia and China.This paper has five parts:The first part introduces the relative theories of comparative linguistics, which includes the beginning and developing of comparative linguistics, the comparative principles and means and the definitions of the relative terms.The second part introduces the research situation of the meaning of number and amountin Russian and Chinese.The third part compares the modes and means of the two languages, Russian and Chinese, in expressing the meaning of object number and amount and the meaning of action number and amount from the static and dynamic perspectives.The fourth part compares the characteristics of expressing the meaning of number and amount in Russian and Chinese from three perspectives of rhetoric, semantics and pragmatics.The fifth part makes the conclusion.
