俄汉全译之换译探寻 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18


The fast development of the translation aquires the refinement of translation theory. There are 7 methods for complete translation. They are transliteration, addition, omission, transfer, substitution, division and combination.The substitution means that when people translate Russian into Chinese, they should change the expression if they come across the non-corresponding or unique form. It avoids the logical confusion and corresponds with the Chinese expression habits. The basic principle is to change the forms without disturbing the meanings and makes them more fluent.At present the system of substituion is still quite young and the author established a new substition system from the angle of complete translation. This research paper makes a tentative study into the scientificalness of the substition system on the basis of logics, linguistis, culturology and aesthetics.
