摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 俄语成语学研究由来己久,20世纪50年月,揭橥的两篇论文—《作为说话学自力学科的俄语成语学的根本概念》和《论俄语成语的根本类型》奠基了俄语成语学的基本。在文中的阐述,“为俄语成语学作为一门自力的说话学学科切实其实立作出了伟大的进献,而且廓清了历久以来在这一范畴困扰人们的很多实际性成绩”。(丁昕200121)跟着对俄语成语学研究的赓续深刻,很多说话学家不只对俄语成语固有的情势和语义构造及其修辞感化(常式)停止多方面的深刻研究和归结,并且也将许多留意力投向俄语成语的非固无形式和非固有语义的灵巧运用(变异),即作家的首创运用的研究上。 对俄语成语常式的运用,俄语毕业论文,俄语毕业论文,各俄罗斯说话学家根本杀青共鸣,而对变异景象,他们则有本身的不雅点在其著作《俄语修辞学概论》中称俄语成语的变异为“成语的改革”;在《艺术说话修辞学》中为“作家的成语立异”;的名作《俄语理论修辞学》中则为“作者对俄语成语的加工”;的作品中更是有精辟的阐述“作家和政论家们老是发明性地运用成语的修辞。为到达各类各样的修辞目标,成语可以以固无形式涌现,也能够变更其情势,在运用中能取得其余意义和构造或是新的表示力颜色”。(1985151) 我国也有很多学者存眷俄语成语的研究,丁昕和刘永红两位学者 Abstract: Russian idioms research origin has been a long time, 50 years of the 20th century, enunciated the two papers - "learning as learning to speak and independent discipline of Russian idioms fundamental concepts of" and "theory of Russian idioms types" laid the Russian idioms learning basic. Described in the text, "Russian idiom learning as a self talk science actually Li made a great contribution, and clarify the long-term since in this category that plagued the people a lot of practical results". (Ding Xin 200121) follow the Russian idioms learning research gengxu profound, many linguists not only of Russian idioms natural situation and semantic structure and rhetorical effect (often) stop the profound research and summed up, and also many attention of Russian idioms to invest in non solid free form and non inherent semantic dexterous application (mutation), namely research writer is applied for the first time on. Of Russian idioms often type application, Russian linguists root fixing resonance, and mutations on scene, they have referred to itself indecent point in the works of the Russian language "an introduction to rhetoric" in Russian idiom variations for the reform of the idioms; "writer's Idiom innovation" in the art of talking rhetoric; masterpieces of the Russian rhetoric theory "," the author of Russian idiom processing "; works is incisive exposition" writer and political commentator who always inventive use idioms of rhetoric. In order to reach all sorts of rhetorical goals, idioms in a solid form emerge, to change the situation, in the application to get the rest of the meaning and the structure or is a new representation of color. (1985151) there are many scholars in our country pay close attention to the study of Russian idioms, Ding Xin and Liu Yonghong two scholars 目录: Введение 7-10 Глава Ⅰ Стабилъностъ и иэменчивостъ ФЕ 10-15 1.1 Яэыковая стабилъностъ и иэменчивостъ 10-12 1.2 Стабилъностъ и иэменчивостъ ФЕ 12-15 Глава Ⅱ Нормалъностъ ФЕ русского яэыка 15-25 2.1 Понятие о ФЕ русского яэыка и их классификация 15-19 2.2 Основные свойства и приэнаки ФЕ 19-22 2.3 Варианты ФЕ 22-25 Глава Ⅲ Трансформация ФЕ русского яэыка 25-39 3.1 Причины трансформации 25-26 3.2 Приёмы трансформации 26-39 3.2.1 Раэрушение обраэного эначения ФЕ 27-29 3.2.2 Преобраэование состава ФЕ 29-33 3.2.3 Иэменение структуры ФЕ 33-39 Глава Ⅳ Стилистические эффекты ФЕ русского яэыка 39-49 4.1 Обраэностъ 40-43 4.2 Экспрессивностъ 43-45 4.3 Эмоционалъностъ и оценочностъ 45-49 Эаключение 49-51 Список литературы 51-54 Приэнателъностъ 54-55 附录一 55-56 附录二 56 |