
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The declaration for Russian shipping translation theory. Shipping translation theory in the six months to basic, analysis of the Russian translation of shipping in the mission to meet various problems and hard, and to according to the differences in the case of the corresponding translation strategies and treatment methods for. Introduction introduces the topics of the background, practical significance, the results of the study. First of all, we have a brief introduction to the basic situation of MTI. It includes the establishment in our country, the growth situation and characteristics of time etc.. We trust that these basic situations are very helpful and very necessary for each MTI professional. Duty description and compulsory process department to a specific obligation as an example, the basic conditions of compulsory stop the description, and tells the story of the author in every stage of the eve of the induced task content: in the run-up to the obligations, field recording stage and the obligations of the pre disposal stage. "Russian shipping translation translation strategy is divided into two departments. First department for the profession of shipping translation particularly select the three aspects of the key Description: shipping terms single, sentence trivial, complex and strain to aspects. All these tasks are about shipping translation is very helpful. The second part for shipping translation special. The shipping translation in the translation process often used some of the translation strategies were put forward. Familiar with the material, such as coherent and speculation to make conjecture and digital translation skills etc.. "Case analysis" is divided into three departments, shipping translation field note, shipping translation of the cultural differences between China and Russia, Russian shipping dialogue fragments and the translation brief. The author in the translation for combined shipping times encounter all kinds of analysis results, and puts forward the treatment method. Initial "theory summary, analysis of the months of shipping translation task situation, the lack of local information of method, summed up the experience, such as translation is need to control skills and approaches, and translation work need ceaseless accumulation of knowledge. These experiences can be considered desire theory of translation task back for reference.


摘要   5   Pe3iOMe   6-7   目录   7-8   一、引言   8-9   二、MTI的教育背景和培养目标   9-13       (一) MTI的设立与发展   9-10       (二) MTI的特点   10-11       (三) MTI的推广与宗旨   11-12       (四) MTI的教育评估   12-13   三、任务描述和任务过程   13-16       (一) 任务描述   13       (二) 任务过程   13-16   四、俄语船务口译的翻译策略   16-22       (一) 俄语船务口译的特殊性   16-19       (二) 俄语船务口译的翻译策略   19-22   五、案例略论   22-30       (一) 船务口译现场注意事项   22-24       (二) 船务口译时的中俄文化异同   24-26       (三) 俄语船务对话片段及译文简析   26-30   六、实践总结   30-32   参考文献   32-33   致谢   33-34   附录   34-40  
