
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Vocabulary learning is the main part of foreign language learning, and even can be said to be the most important part of. In recent years, research has gradually become a mind vocabulary learning desire to speak a major bias. The research in the field is to speak, is the mind, which makes us not only the study of vocabulary pronunciation, form and meaning of words, the situation and extraction method and characterization of the vocabulary to understand in the brain. In the mind, speech related knowledge exchange with vocabulary learning combined research not only has practical value, but also has theoretical significance. This article is about how to use mind vocabulary related knowledge guidance learning in vocabulary learning russian. Chapeau, recall the Europe and the United States, Russia and the scholars of mind speech exchange of research in the field of process, pointed out that nations and scholars to discuss the characteristics and differences of bias, a brief summary of the mental lexicon the basic theory and research methods. Secondly, combined with the two language vocabulary acquisition, comment on the two lexical acquisition process of growth, migration and cross talk of causes and coping strategies of petrochemical scene. Initially, the United Russian vocabulary characteristics, discusses the knowledge about how to use better mind vocabulary instructions in Russian vocabulary learning.


中文摘要   3   Резюме   4-7   绪论   7-19       1、国内外对“心理词汇”的探讨综述   8-16           1.1 俄罗斯对“心理词汇”的探讨综述   9-11           1.2 欧美国家对“心理词汇”的探讨综述   11-14           1.3 国内对“心理词汇”的探讨综述   14-16       2、论文的探讨对象和探讨目的   16-17       3、论文的实际价值和创新意义   17-18       小结   18-19   第一章 心理词汇探讨的基本理论和措施   19-40       1.1 心理词汇的概念   19-21       1.2 相关概念界定   21-23       1.3 对于心理词汇探讨的基本理论   23-35           1.3.1 作用心理词汇提取的因素   23-28           1.3.2 心理词汇的提取   28-31           1.3.3 心理词汇的组织   31-35       1.4 心理词汇的探讨措施   35-39           1.4.1 反应时实验   36           1.4.2 词汇联想实验   36-38           1.4.3 言语失误略论   38-39       本章小结   39-40   第二章 心理词汇与二语词汇习得   40-51       2.1 二语学习中心理词汇的特点   40-41       2.2 二语心理词汇的组织   41-44       2.3 二语词汇的表征与发展   44-50           2.3.1 二语词汇的表征与发展   44-45           2.3.2 跨语言迁移问题及其应对策略   45-49           2.3.3 石化现象及其应对策略   49-50       本章小结   50-51   第三章 心理词汇与俄语词汇学习   51-62       3.1 俄语词汇的总体特点   51-52       3.2 频率效应与俄语词汇学习   52-58           3.2.1 词汇的直接学习与间接学习   53-54           3.2.2 词频高低的相对性和频率纸质词典   54-56           3.2.3 词频与整词效应   56-58       3.3 上下文与词汇学习   58-59       3.4 概念网络与词汇记忆   59-61       本章小结   61-62   结语   62-64   参考文献   64-68   致谢   68  
