俄语中的“свобода”和汉语中的“自由” 观念对比探讨[俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

концепт(不雅念)是现今俄罗斯说话文明学界研究的热门成绩之一,也是认知说话学、心思说话学等多个学科的研究对象。它与说话和文明有着慎密的接洽:第一,концепт是文明在人认识中的凝聚,它是文明的缩影,俄语论文范文,同时对文明发生作用;第二,说话直接介入концепт的发生及成长的进程。运用концепт实际剖析平易近族文明的内在是说话文明学界中异常主要的研究办法之一。свобода(自在)不雅念是人类配合的不雅念,活着界多种说话中都有表现,个中包含俄汉语。经由过程俄汉语中свобода不雅念的比较剖析,可以提醒俄汉平易近族文明的差异,俄语论文题目,从而增进跨文明外交的顺遂停止。本文重要研究俄语中“свобода”和汉语中的“自在”不雅念,以卡拉希克(КарасикВ. И.)的концепт实际为基本,对俄汉语中的“свобода”和“自在”不雅念停止比较剖析,找出俄汉两个平易近族的文明差异及其缘由。全文由引言、注释和结论构成。引言:引见了本选题的研究汗青和研究现状、研究目标、研究意义、研究办法与立异的地方。注释重要由四章组成:第一章:引见концепт的概念。第二章:剖析阐释俄语中的“свобода”不雅念。第三章:剖析阐释汉语中的“自在”不雅念。第四章:根据第二章和第三章,比较总结俄汉语中的“свобода”和“自在”不雅念的差异,并从政治轨制、认识形状、地舆地位等方面剖析差异发生的缘由。结论:对论文全文停止总结和归纳综合。


These are, from a K E (concept) is one of the most popular achievements of Russia today speak of civilization academic research, and cognitive linguistics, mind talk science research object. It is with the language and culture have close connection: first, from tse.png, are from the kappa e is known in the civilization in the pool, it is the epitome of civilization, also affect the occurrence of civilization; second, from a direct intervention from the talk by DP, kappa occurrence and growth process. These are from the application of kappa C E, the actual analysis of national civilization is in research to speak of civilization in the world and one of the main anomaly. C's energy-saving from to. (free) concept is the concept of human cooperation, the world has a variety of performance of words, including Russian and chinese. Through the process of Russian and Chinese Communist state to a pgfla energy-saving concept of comparative analysis, the similarities and differences between Russian and Chinese can remind people of civilization, to promote cross culturaldiplomatic smoothly. In this paper, the important research in Russian "China's energy-saving from to." in Chinese and "free" concept, with Cara Hiker (kappa alpha, kappa a. C. For me. The society has a series of kappa) are the theory, comparative analysis of Russian and Chinese "C and c o C to pgfla" and "freedom" concept to stop, find the Russian and Chinese two ethnic culture differences and similarities. The full text is composed of introduction, comment and conclusion. Introduction: introduce the topic to the research history and research status, research objectives, research significance, research methods and innovation. An important note is composed of four chapters: the first chapter: introduce the concept from a society has its kappa are the. The second chapter: the analysis of interpretation in Russian "China's energy-saving concept from to.". The third chapter: the analysis of the "free" in the Chinese language. The fourth chapter: according to the second chapter and the third chapter, comparing and summarizing in Russian and Chinese "C's energy-saving from to." and "freedom" concept of the similarities and differences, and from the political system, ideology, geographical position and other aspects of the similarities and differences of reason. Conclusion: the full text of the paper is summarized and summarized.


摘要   4-5   Автореферат   5-7   Abstract   7   目录   8-10   引言   10-13       一、 探讨历史与近况   10-12           (一) 俄罗斯的探讨历史与近况   10-11           (二) 中国的探讨历史与近况   11-12           (三) 在整理俄汉文献过程中发现的问题   12       二、 探讨目的与意义   12       三、 探讨措施与创新之处   12-13   第一章 концепт的概念   13-21       一、 концепт的词源略论   13-14       二、 концепт与相关概念   14-15           (一) концепт与понятие(概念)   14           (二) концепт与значение(意义)   14-15           (三) концепт与смысл(含义)   15           (四) концепт与представление(表象)   15       三、 концепт的概念界定   15-20           (一) 认知语言学视角下концепт的概念   16-17           (二) 语言文化学视角下концепт的概念   17-20       小结   20-21   第二章 俄语中的“свобода”观念   21-31       一、 “свобода”观念的概念   21-26           (一) “свобода”的词源略论   21           (二) “свобода”的词典释义   21-23           (三) “свобода”的语义场   23-26       二、 “свобода”观念的形象   26-28       三、 “свобода”观念的价值   28-30           (一) 正面价值   29           (二) 负面价值   29-30       小结   30-31   第三章 汉语中的“自由”观念   31-41       一、 “自由”观念的概念   31-35           (一) “自由”的词源略论   31-33           (二) “自由”的词典释义   33-34           (三) “自由”的语义场   34-35       二、 “自由”观念的形象   35-38           (一) 贵重的东西   35-36           (二) 摆脱、挣脱   36-37           (三) 无拘无束的动物形象   37-38       三、 “自由”观念的价值   38-40           (一) 正面价值   38-39           (二) 负面价值   39-40       小结   40-41   第四章 俄语中的“свобода”和汉语中的“自由”观念的差异及原因   41-51       一、 俄语中的“свобода”和汉语中的“自由”观念的差异   41           (一) 俄语中的“свобода”和汉语中的“自由”观念的相同点   41           (二) 俄语中的“свобода”和汉语中的“自由”观念的不同点   41       二、 俄语中的“свобода”和汉语中的“自由”观念差异的原因   41-49           (一) 政治原因   42-45           (二) 思想原因   45-48           (三) 地理原因   48-49       小结   49-51   结语   51-52   参考文献   52-54   后记   54  
