
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Trademark is the concentration of the product and enterprise credit, is the focus of advertising and publicity. Trademark words are words, words, the situation of the emergence of the symbol, is the speech of the other characteristics of a class. They are carefully selected or invented by individual or individual enterprises to use as a common symbol for the differential of the goods of other enterprises. This kind of public signs are carrying the meaning and efficacy with significant features, its outstanding performance for the trademark of the obvious, public, association and its identification, quality assurance, judicial protection and advertising effectiveness. The translation of trademark words should emphasize its effect, that is, the effect is close to the result of the request of the effect. This paper mainly focuses on the application of the theory of "meaning equality, the effect of proximity" to the translation practice, the translation of Russian trademark words, the emergence of the translation process, the translation of Russian language is a useful exploration and test. The thesis sums up the principles and skills of the translation of Russian trademark words. It will play an active role in the promotion of the quality of Russian translation, the improvement of the translation quality and the promotion of Sino Russian business.


前言   8-9   第一章 符号学翻译观   9-14       一、国外符号学翻译观的发展状况   9-11       二、国内符号学翻译观的发展状况   11-12       三、符号学翻译观对商标词翻译的指导意义   12-14   第二章 商标词的特点及命名准则   14-21       一、商标与商标词的联系与区别   14-17       二、商标词的命名准则   17-21   第三章 商标词翻译中的问题   21-31       一、商标词所指意义的传达   21-23           1. 完全对应   21-22           2. 部分对应   22-23           3. 不对应   23       二、臆造商标词   23-25       三、外来商标词   25       四、超语言问题   25-31           1. 民族文化特征   26-29           2. 异国风情   29-31   第四章 商标词的翻译准则及措施   31-46       一、商标词翻译准则   32-40           1. 发音响亮、音韵优美准则   32-33           2. 简短易记准则   33-35           3. 用字讲究,内涵贴切   35-36           4. 尊重和把握民族心理异同,洞察译名的联想意义   36-38           5. 结合商品特征,反映商品信息   38-39           6. 注意政治经济内涵,弘扬各国文化   39-40       二、商标词的翻译措施   40-46           1. 音译   40-41           2. 意译   41-43           3. 音意结合、谐音寓意   43-44           4. 灵活创新法   44-46   结束语   46-47   参考文献   47-49   论文摘要   49-53   Реферат   53-59   后记   59-60   导师及作者简介   60  
