
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

第二说话习得是跨学科的研究范畴,成长异常迅猛,一日千里,分歧的实际形式、假定和研究结果层见叠出。进修研究第二说话习得实际的目标在于寻觅进修实际与教授教养理论之间的关系,即进修实际对外语教授教养的启发和感化。在外语教授教养进程中,借助于第二说话习得实际来指点和摸索外语教与学的进程,这对改良外语教授教养办法,进步外语教授教养质量都具有极端主要的意义。斯蒂芬·狄·克拉申(Stephen D Krashen)在第二说话习得方面的研究惹起了说话学家们的广泛存眷。固然国际外学术界对他的实际褒贬纷歧,但“它能够是现有的最周全的、最能够接收的一种实际”(Rod Ellis1986 , p261, ELT,俄语论文题目, 1981),对进步我国外语教授教养质量和推进我国宽大外语任务者更深刻地摸索外语教授教养有实际的指点意义。本文拟对第二说话习得研究中与外语教授教养亲密相干的重要实际停止体系地论述和剖析,并以克拉申的第二说话习得的实际为视角,俄语论文范文,旨在更深刻地研究其在俄语教授教养中的现实意义。本文包含四部门第一部门引言。界定第一说话、第二说话、母语、外语的概念及它们之间的关系;国际外研究第二说话习得的现状;本文研究的视角。第二部门第二说话习得的重要实际及对古代外语教授教养的意义。中介语实际;话语剖析实际;文明顺应形式;说话广泛性实际;说话监控实际。第三部门克拉申第二说话习的实际对俄语教授教养的启发。习得—学得差别假定与俄语教授教养;天然次序假定与俄语教授教养;监控假定与俄语教授教养;输出假定与俄语教授教养;情绪过滤假定与俄语教授教养。第四部门小结。论述五种假定之间的关系;对克拉申第二说话习得实际的评价。


Second language acquisition is a field of interdisciplinary research, grow very rapidly, by leaps and bounds, differences of actual form, assumed and the research results emerge in endlessly. The goal of learning the second language acquisition theory is to find the relationship between learning theory and teaching theory, that is, the study of the actual impact on the teaching of foreign language teaching. In the process of foreign language teaching, with the aid of in the second language acquisition practice guidance and exploration of foreign language teaching and learning process, which to improve foreign language teaching method, improve the quality of foreign language teaching has extremely important significance. Stephen de Krashen (D Krashen Stephen) in the second language acquisition research has aroused the widespread concern of the talking experts. Although academic circles at home and abroad of his actual appraise divergent, but it can present the most comprehensive, most capable of receiving an actual "(rod Ellis1986, p261, ELT, 1981), to improve China's foreign language teaching quality and promote China's broad language tasks were more deeply explore foreign language teaching has a practical guiding significance. This article on the second talk acquisition study and foreign language teaching is closely related to the practically important stop system is discussed and analyzed, and to Krashen's second speech acquisition of practical perspective to more deeply study the in Russian teaching in practical significance. This paper contains four parts: the first part is the introduction. Define the first talk, second speak, mother tongue, the concept of foreign language and the relationship between them; international and foreign research second speak acquisition status; this article research perspective. The important practice of the second department second speech acquisition and its significance to the teaching of ancient foreign language teaching. Intermediary language practice; discourse analysis; the form of civilized adaptation; the wide range of speech; the actual speech monitoring. Third department carat Shen second language learning practice of the Russian teaching inspired. The acquisition learning distinction assumed and Russian teaching; the natural order assumed and Russian teaching; monitoring hypothesis and Russian language teaching; output hypothesis and Russian language teaching; Affective Filter Hypothesis and Russian language teaching. Fourth sector summary. Discusses the relationship between the five hypotheses; the actual evaluation of the acquisition of the second language acquisition.


中文摘要   4-5   英文摘要   5   俄文摘要   6-9   1. 引言   9-11   2. 第二语言习得的主要理论及对现代外语教学的意义   11-17       2.1 中介语理论(Interlanguage Theory)   11-12       2.2 话语略论理论(Discourse analysis)   12-13       2.3 文化适应模式(The Acculturation Model)   13-14       2.4 语言普遍性理论(Linguistic Universals)   14-15       2.5 语言监控理论(The Monitor Model)   15-17   3. 克拉申第二语言习得理论对俄语教学的启示   17-29       3.1 习得—学得异同假设与俄语教学   17-20           3.1.1 习得—学得异同假设(The Acquisition-Learning Division)   17           3.1.2 习得—学得异同假设对俄语教学的启示   17-20       3.2 自然顺序假设与俄语教学   20-22           3.2.1 自然顺序假设(The Natural Order Hypothesis)   20-21           3.2.2 自然顺序假设对俄语教学的启示   21-22       3.3 监控假设与俄语教学   22-23           3.3.1 监控假设(The Monitor Hypothesis)   22-23           3.3.2 监控假设对俄语教学的启示   23       3.4 输入假设与俄语教学   23-26           3.4.1 输入假设(The Input Hypothesis)   23-25           3.4.2 输入假设对俄语教学的启示   25-26       3.5 情感过滤假设与俄语教学   26-29           3.5.1 情感过滤假设(The Affctive Filter Hypothesis)   26-27           3.5.2 情感过滤假设对俄语教学的启示   27-29   4. 小结   29-31   参考文献   31-33   附录 1   33-35   附录 2   35-36   致谢   36  
