
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Civilized words are words that are specific to the domain of civilization, which is the direct or direct response of the national civilization in the words. Russian and Chinese two speak are carrying in many ways exist PI perverted vision sinks deep and sincere habit, religious beliefs and historical civilization, and Russian and Chinese civilization speech. Foreign language teaching theory notes, a lot of Russian language in Central Asia and Russia to stay in the understanding and application of Chinese civilization often often happens diplomatic obstacles, not complete is the lack of common sense, in many cases by the target language of the language and the culture of the native language of civilization, the difference between the formation of. Is the civilization words learning is a key link with the structure and functions can equate Chinese teaching in. The meaning of civilized words is implicit, is the meaning of the word in the concept of meaning, to separate the special ethnic culture with the king will be difficult to understand, so often lead to cross cultural diplomacy, but also often become a difficult point in translation. The according to the generated current home and abroad the term civilization has coherent research results, application speech exchange, civilized speech and practice as the basic, analysis of "civilization" words of different definition and classification. Through the process of the two kinds of Chinese and Russian speaking, some of the common characteristics of the national culture, for example, to stop the Chinese and Russian civilization words and expressions of the word, structure, significance and characteristics of the comparison. And the personality and the difference of the total description. At the same time, through the process of Chinese and Russian culture and the characteristics of the comparative study of Chinese and Russian culture, the translation of cultural differences and cultural differences in the translation approach and find a more appropriate teaching methods. This paper can be used as a cover to make up for the native language of the Russian speaking students in the culture of teaching and the teaching of the Chinese language teaching. In this paper, through the process of Chinese and Russian civilization words comparison and translation studies, can enhance the Chinese and Russian civilization exchange, let more students studying can through the process of learning word civilization to understand and control the unlettered Han plain near family civilization.


摘要   2-3   Abstract   3-4   引言   7-12       (一) 探讨目的及意义   8       (二) 文化词语的界定   8-9       (三) 文化词语的分类   9-11       (四) 重点和难点   11       (五) 探讨措施   11-12   一、文化词语的探讨历史及近况   12-17       (一) 汉语中对文化词语探讨   12-13       (二) 俄语中对文化词语探讨   13-15       (三) 其他语言中对文化词语探讨   15-17   二、汉俄语文化词语的特点对比   17-25       (一) 造词特点对比   17-19       (二) 结构特点对比   19-22       (三) 意义特点对比   22-25   三、汉俄语文化词语的翻译   25-28       (一) 直译法   25       (二) 音译法   25-26       (三) 音译加注法   26       (四) 意译法   26-27       (五) 注释法   27-28   四、文化词语翻译给汉语教学的启示   28-34       (一) 对外汉语教材中,英文译释文化词语的疏漏   28-29       (二) 对外汉语教材中,文化词语的俄译解释措施   29-30       (三) 对外汉语教师在文化词语教学中应该注意的问题   30-31       (四) 总结对外汉语教学中文化词语的教学措施   31-34   结语   34-38   注释   38-40   参考文献   40-42   致谢   42-43  
