
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Basic Russian, is the focus of the Russian junior grade (or basic stage). Joint diplomatic principle is the important teaching duty, Mr. growth of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating basic language skills, Mr. just studying grammar, usual diplomacy often use words and fixed expressions, but also know how to Russia's social civilization. At the same time, but also to improve the degree of speech, recitation, and growth of foreign talent. Higher Russian, Russian Majors (or progress) intensive reading class, practice, stability, progress, Mr. perfect comprehensive Russian language skills, especially in reading, writing and speaking to the focus of the course. In the advanced stage, through the process of browsing, analysis, review and debate of various types of social life themes, expand the common sense of the students, Mr. progress in all kinds of places to stop foreign language skills, logical thinking and independent thinking, the ability to deal with the results, and to further strengthen and improve the language skills. This paper from the Russian intensive reading course teaching objectives, teaching characteristics, teaching form, teaching principle stop comprehensive description and discussion, and trying to deal with encountered in teaching theory in all grades.


中文摘要   3   Резюме   4-7   绪论   7-11   第一章 俄语系精读课的教学目的和内容   11-19       第一节 精读课的教学依据   12-16       第二节 精读课的教学目的和内容   16-18       本章小结   18-19   第二章 俄语系精读课的教学准则   19-36       第一节 选择教材的现实性准则   19-20       第二节 着重语言形式,照顾交际内容的准则   20-22       第三节 言语实践能力与语言知识相结合的准则   22-25       第四节 尊重民族文化的准则   25-27       第五节 注意情感因素,排除心理障碍的准则   27-29       第六节 考虑母语正负迁移的准则   29-31       第七节 阶段侧重的准则   31-32       第八节 接触积累,综合操练的准则   32-33       第九节 模拟情景,模拟交际的准则   33-34       第十节 螺旋反复,逐渐准确的准则   34-35       本章小结   35-36   第三章 俄语系精读课的教学特点   36-47       第一节 初级阶段精读课的教学特点   36-41       第二节 高级阶段精读课的教学特点   41-45       本章小结   45-47   第四章 俄语系精读课的教学模式   47-58       第一节 课堂教学   47-49       第二节 课外活动   49-56       本章小结   56-58   结语   58-60   参考文献   60-64   致谢   64  
