
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The Russian perceptual categories (taste, hearing, temperature) description as the research object to discuss to expand the polysemy of basic form -- extended metaphor and metonymy extension at Russian perception description words are represented in detail. An important research task includes: Based on detailed Russian Dictionary, select the corpus, the Russian taste, hearing, temperature of description of semantic field scale definition; remind Russian practice form to describe extended metaphor and metonymy extension; understand Russian taste, hearing, temperature description word and its lexical semantic group of semantic structure, and their semantic variants analysis description. This thesis consists of four parts: introduction, comment, stop language and reference. The part includes five chapters: Introduction: introduce the research object, new ideas and practical papers, practical and theoretical value and research methods. Chapter 1: a brief introduction to the research methods of the semantic field of "perception" and "perception". At the same time, an overview of the relevant scholars in this category of the important points and attainments, for further research and supply the actual support. The second chapter: system to discuss and describe the semantic expanding the types, derived from the semantic mechanism - metaphor and metonymy - starting to describe semantic expansion types: single receptor metaphor, metaphor of receptor, strength of metaphor, metaphor, image metaphor; causative metonymy, conversion of metonymy, metonymy and synecdoche. The third chapter: the description and analysis of taste words in the semantic structure description, taste in the description of the word classification in the field, we will expatiatory K.M. gamma Epac me to Liapunov's a and A.B. kappa y by kappa, about the taste word division, one of the most productive is A.B. kappa y by kappa, to describe the word to express the characteristics according to the classification. At the same time, we will to Russian performance "acid", "bitter", "" sweet "," bitter "," delicious "," taste owe good "," no taste "a word to describe the semantic types of thinning and classified and by examples to analyze each kind of form. The fourth chapter: to describe and analyze structure of sound semantic field, described in the auditory word classification in the field, concretely describes the. Gamma.Py alabamium, author, gamma. Sometimes. Gamma OP 6S. The author is it c k, and successfully. M... C, is it is it and A.H., pa - - a descriptive word auditory classification scale, but also save to on auditory description word classification: a unified description of words according to different classification according to can be classified in different categories. In this chapter we will show a "loud" description of semantic extension type thinning and classified, and through an example to analyze the characteristics of each form. The fifth chapter: description and analysis of the structure of the temperature semantic field, the basic meaning of "having a temperature above or below the scale of the temperature" is the description of the temperature description words lexical semantic group focus. We will be on the performance of "hot" description and performance "cold" the description of semantic extension form thinning and classified, and by examples to analyze the characteristics of each form. Conclusion: a comprehensive summary of the research conclusions of the paper.

