
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Power is the theme of today's world. Russia is the power of the country, the study of the power strategy announced by the power of our country to grow and dynamic collaboration has a very important significance. This declaration is based on "2030 years ago Russia power strategy" as the object of study, the text of the translation and analysis, and then discuss the detailed translation strategies and translation methods. On the choice of word meaning, word quantity change, preposition translation and long sentence translation example analysis. The full text is composed of the following sections: abstract, four chapters, references and the first chapter of the translation obligation description, including the obligation of the king, the request and the nature of the request. The second chapter describes the translation process, including the preparation, translation process and translation. The third chapter of the text of the power strategy in a detailed analysis of the case, with the actual point of theory, analysis of the translation process encountered a number of achievements, and the process of translation strategies used to stop thinking. In the fourth chapter, the translation theory summary of proposed translation in untreated achievement and coherent thinking, and for subsequent learning task of outlook.


摘要   7   РЕФЕРАТ   8-9   第一章 翻译任务描述   9-10       一、任务背景   9       二、委托方要求   9       三、任务性质   9-10   第二章 翻译过程描述   10-13       一、译前准备   10-11           (一)搜集相关资料   10           (二)选择辅助工具书   10           (三)制定翻译计划   10-11       二、翻译过程   11-13           (一)翻译计划的执行情况   11           (二)疑难问题的处理情况   11-12           (三)译后事项   12-13   第三章 案例略论   13-24       一、在翻译过程中出现问题类型及翻译策略的应用   13-23           (一)词义的选择   13-14           (二)词量的增减   14-18           (三)前置词的翻译   18-20           (四)长难句的翻译   20-23       二、对翻译问题的理论思考及解决过程   23-24   第四章 翻译实践总结   24-27       一、未解决的问题及相应思考   24-25       二、对今后学习工作的启示及展望   25-27   结束语   27-28   参考文献   28-29   附录   29-73       附录1:原文   29-56       附录2:译文   56-71       附录3:术语表   71-73   致谢   73  
