
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



During the Mongolia era, medieval Russian ties into two intersecting complex power fangruiyuanzao. In the East, Russia is on the edge of the Christian world in Europe, in the most remote outpost. From the west, the great Mongolia empire from the Chinese sea has been extended to the west of Europe. One of the difficulties of the Middle Ages in the Middle Ages was that it was not a complete one. Civilization with the Byzantine and Eastern cheek by jowl connected political and pagan and later Western Muslims to engage, from any one of the Golden Horde Khanate under the rule of the Russian capital is a special case. The Golden Horde of Southwest China for more than two hundred years of Ross's. In these two centuries, great changes have occurred in the country and society of Ross. Before the Golden Horde, Ross society had never encountered such a great impact. Although Ross southwest region and that there was no direct rule of the Golden Horde, but Ross country here from the succession for princes to touch all judicial cases in the Mongol Tatar, from serious national political and military decisions to a plain nearly all the daily life, without exception, have been intervened and affected by the Golden Horde. In addition, the south-west Ross princes is also introduced a lot of Golden Horde governance rail system, and thus gradually set up a complete set of right to rail system and management system. Don't ya: this thought great disaster in Mongolia and the Golden Horde battle to tame the long-term rule brought to russia. But the exchange between the two nations is seen everywhere. Russian and Mongol soldiers often fought side-by-side, the Russian princes will Tatar wife married home, between the Russian salai and jungle long-range business often visible and so on. It is hard to measure the impact of the other Golden Horde on the growth of Russia, but it is obviously great. By the gold accounts of the country by the cultivation of the country, after the busy business, the main is also very great. We should see that the rule of the Golden Horde has brought great changes to Russia. Karamsin has said: "the great Khans belong to moscow". Kievan Rus is the basic of the city - country with princes, nobles, Weiche, Golden Horde ruled after the cessation of the southwestern Ross gradually muster the Grand Duchy of Moscow. The authoritarian regime. The public Moscow dictatorship attachment concentrate all capital continuously expand the land and eventually completed the same russian. Although the Golden Horde in the Grand Duchy of Moscow processes in Russia with a role is difficult to quantitative evaluation, but in the future expansion of the Moscow used many Tatar systems to enhance its own strength. In brief, the influence of Mongolia on Medieval Russia is diverse, complex and very weak. And on the basis of the Grand Duchy of Moscow eventually grew for the Tsarism, east to terminate teach serfdom and becomes the basic of modern Russian Empire. The focus of this paper is to elaborate on the impact of the Golden Horde of the West's authoritarian in Russia. In addition, northeast Ross is not ruled by the golden rule, which makes the southwest Ross and northeast Ross from the political differentiation gradually moving towards national differentiation. This is another focus of this article. This paper is divided into eight chapters: the first chapter, the Mongolia invasion and the Golden Horde, in addition to the whole history of the Golden Horde to do a brief introduction, but also with the introduction of the Mongolia invasion of the South Russian steppe. Second to the seventh chapter, from the people, social, political, economic, cultural, religious and other aspects of the specific analysis of the golden rule of the Khan's rule to the Medieval Russia brought the deep impact. In the eighth chapter, the conclusions of the paper are summarized in the paper, the influence of the various aspects of the Ross society in Mongolia, and the influence of the golden rule of the country on the rise of the Russian dictatorship.

