摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,俄语毕业论文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 将来主义作为一个在欧洲发生了普遍作用的文学艺术活动,起源于意年夜利,随后传入俄国。学界对俄国将来主义的熟悉,更多地存眷其古代性特色和与意年夜利将来主义的接洽,对俄国特定汗青时代的文学等待,俄罗斯传统与将来主义的内涵接洽等一些成绩研究不敷。我们重提这个“过时”的话题,就是要把具有激烈的古代主义特色的将来主义文学活动,放在俄罗文雅学成长的全部系统中来研究,更多地存眷其俄罗文雅学的特点。可以说,俄国将来主义者广泛接收了意年夜利将来主义的特色,但是,有一个相对不容疏忽的方面一向作用着俄国将来主义构成独有的特点,那就是它是在俄罗斯平易近族泥土里发展出来的,它既弗成能完整照搬意年夜利的特色,也不克不及够分开俄罗斯的平易近族传统而孤立存在。俄罗斯的宗教、说话、文学等身分,都为俄国将来主义打上了深深的平易近族印记。本文重要经由过程对俄罗斯将来主义派别、诗人、诗歌及俄罗斯平易近族传统的引见,来阐述俄罗斯将来主义与意年夜利将来主义之间的接洽。除从“平易近主偏向”、“人性主义”、“斯拉夫情结”等方面来引见分歧于意年夜利的俄国式的将来主义以外,更多的是把重点放在引见详细诗人和诗作方面,分离从“抽象美”、“音乐美”、“改革美”三方面来引见分歧与以往曾经被年夜家所承认了的“将来主义”,从而得出俄国将来主义诗歌根植于本平易近族传统的特征,还俄国将来主义以原貌。如许本来以“反传统”姿势登上文坛的俄国将来主义诗人们,就又逐步拾回本平易近族的文学传统,只不外他们将平易近族文学传统也给“将来主义化”了。当我们学会批评地接收“将来主义”的文明遗产以后,再来解读将来派的诗歌著作。就会发明其别的一层“庐山真面貌”了。因而,俄国将来主义就取得了它独有的社会特点。 Abstract: As a literary and artistic activity which has a common influence in Europe, it originated in Italy, and then came to Russia. Academic of Russian futurism familiar, more deposit pays close attention to the ancient characteristics and and the eve of the meaning of the benefit of future doctrine approached, waiting for the literature of Russia specific historical era, the Russian tradition and future content of the doctrine approached some research achievements is not enough. We revisit the "outdated" topic is to having intense ancient socialist future literary activity, in Russia elegant science development of all system to study, more concern the Russian gentle. Can say, Russian futurism are widely absorbed the eve of the meaning of the benefit of future doctrine characteristic. However, there are a relatively not negligence always affects the Russian futurism constitute the unique characteristics that it is developed in the Russian ethnic soil. It neither Eph into can complete copy characteristics of Italy, also means less than enough Russian ethnic traditional separate and isolated existence. Russia's religion, speaking, literature and other factors, all of Russia in the future to lay a deep imprint. This article is an important way to Russia in the future doctrine of the faction, the poet, poetry and the Russian tradition of the introduction, to explain the future of Russia and Italy in the future of the idea of the future of the link between the doctrine of the approach. Except from the "democratic bias", "humanism", "Slavic complex" to introduce differences in Italy of Russian futurism, more is to focus in the detailed introduction on poets and poetry, separated from "abstract beauty", "beauty of music", "reform" and "beauty" three aspects to introduce differences with previous had been big recognized the "futurism", so as to obtain Russian futurism poetry rooted in the plain near family of traditional characteristics of Russian futurism to the original. Such originally to "anti tradition" posture boarded literary Russian futurism poets, and gradually picked up back to the literary traditions of the plain near family, nothing more than they will be plain near family literature tradition to "futurism". When we learn to criticize the "future" of the cultural heritage, and then to interpret the future of poetry. Will be the invention of the other layer, "the true face of Mount Lu". As a result, Russia's future doctrine has gained its unique social characteristics. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 英文摘要 5 引言 7-9 第一章 俄国式的“未来主义” 9-16 一、俄未来主义总体流脉进程及对意的接受 9-12 二、俄未来主义与俄国传统 12-16 第二章 形象美 16-25 一、未来派与形象 16-20 二、张显“自我”的形象美 20-25 第三章 音乐美 25-35 一、未来派与音乐 25-28 二、键盘诗人的音乐美 28-35 第四章 革新美 35-43 一、自在的词--赫列勃尼科夫 35-39 二、超理性语--克鲁乔内赫 39-43 第五章 正确评价和接受未来主义 43-50 一、未来主义的命运 43-45 二、未来主义对无产阶级文学的贡献 45-48 三、批判地接受未来主义 48-50 结语 50-53 附录 53-64 参考文献 64-67 后记 67 |