
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Russian defeat in the Crimean War, Russia lost over the years has a European revolutionary power leader position, neutrality of the Black Sea, tsarist Russia in the Balkan region also by strategic expand voluntary for strategic defensive. Especially the European balance of power after the battle, constitute a conflict, international core transfer to asia. In order to meet the international asset class expand goods sell at the request of the market and the origin of raw material, 80 years of the 19th century, tsarist Russia international emerged an idea enhancement of mastering the Western so-called "western school, ceaseless propaganda in the southwest of China and North Korea to Russia's main, cry Russia to tame the western, or even the whole Asia. So for compensation in the Near East suffered loss, Russia began to change the foreign policy bias, gengxu to Central Asia, especially far east areas open for defense. In Central Asia, Russia occupies three Khan of Kokand, Bukhara and Khiva, power deep in Afghanistan, serious threat to British India colonial; in the Far East, Russia by Britain and France, the second Opium War Mobilization, power deep of Heilongjiang River Valley in China and with Japan around Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island Open violent fight. Russian foreign strategy increasingly deposit dependents western, after Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II of three generations of Tsar ceaselessly in the Far East to promote, western policy is formed gradually. At the end of the 19th century at the beginning of the 20th century, Japan in projections and powers in the Far East to the Far East for the aggravated, Russia's strategic center of gravity transferred to the west, and has drawn up a "to the east to war, to the west to fight" the strategy. Russia and Japan in the Chinese southwest and North Korea to fight, eventually lead to the Russo Japanese combat burst.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   目录   5-7   绪论   7-15       第一节 选题的目的和意义   7-9           一、选题的目的   7-8           二、选题的意义   8-9       第二节 国内外相关问题的探讨近况   9-12           一、国内探讨近况   9-10           二、国外探讨近况   10-12       第三节 探讨思路与探讨措施   12-13       第四节 重点、难点和主要创新点   13-15           一、重点和难点   13           二、主要创新点   13-15   第一章 俄国东方政策形成的背景   15-27       第一节 作用俄国传统外交战略的因素   15-19           一、传统地缘政治因素   15-17           二、国家安全利益需要   17-19       第二节 “东方人”派与俄国东方政策的构想和实施   19-21           一、“东方人”派的形成   19           二、乌赫托姆斯基与“东进论”   19-21       第三节 克里米亚战争的作用   21-23           一、丧失巴尔干地区优势   21-22           二、中亚扩张遭到遏制   22-23       第四节 国际矛盾焦点转向东方   23-26           一、普法战争与欧洲均势   23-24           二、亚洲战略地位上升   24-26       本章小结   26-27   第二章 俄国东方政策的实施   27-47       第一节 亚历山大二世时期的东方政策   27-32           一、吞并中亚地区   27-29           二、侵占中国领土   29-30           三、俄日《库页岛·千岛交换条约》   30-32       第二节 亚历山大三世时期的东方政策   32-36           一、巴德马耶夫与“东方计划”   32-34           二、维特与西伯利亚大铁路的修建   34-36       第三节 尼古拉二世时期的东方政策   36-45           一、和平渗入满洲与中东铁路的修建   36-40           二、发展在朝势力   40-42           三、日俄战争   42-45       本章小结   45-47   第三章 俄国东方政策的作用   47-52       一、加剧远东地区局势紧张状态   47-48       二、俄日关系调整与《俄日协约》签订   48-49       三、深化中国国内政治危机   49-51       四、作用后来俄东方政策的制定   51-52   结语   52-53   参考文献   53-56   致谢   56  
