
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



In this paper, the study of the future of the basic, the system of the 1912 to 1928, Yang Zengxin's main political era of foreign relations in Xinjiang. This time Xinjiang's foreign relations is a branch of China's foreign relations, and has its own characteristics. 1912 to 1928 is the early days of the founding of the Chinese people, the international political unrest unrest. After Yang Zengxin, the main political and Xinjiang, in view of historical and geographical factors, the important part of its foreign relations with Russia to stop negotiations. The 1912 revolution after several years, the Russian invasion of Xinjiang by the expansion of the region, Yang Zengxin in the premise of the extremely hard, try to send some of Xinjiang's rights, get rid of the Russian in Xinjiang enjoy duty-free trade rights and consular jurisdiction. The 1917 October revolution in Russia, Xinjiang and the Soviet Union (ITU) relationship instead of relations with russia. In Yang Zengxin's efforts, Xinjiang and the Soviet Union (ITU) to establish friendly relations fundamental equivalence. In addition to the Russian (Soviet) to stop foreign exchange, Xinjiang and Britain have negotiated. Britain as Russia (Su) in Xinjiang, an important match against Xinjiang, the impact is not negligence. Yang Zengxin applied the conflict between Britain and Russia, to take a balanced approach to the protection of the benefits of Xinjiang in the communication. In addition, Yang Zengxin also beware of Turkey "Pan Islamism" and "pan Turkism" had spread in Xinjiang; avoid Japan power to intervene in Xinjiang, the Japanese not on time Xinjiang to form the real damage. Yang Zengxin in the disposal of foreign relations, has been to protect the sovereignty of the country and the benefits of Xinjiang. In his main political era, Xinjiang without loss of land, no sign a contract, there were no break or independent situation. It was carved up China, the central authorities on the border of palm grip weakened situation, is to be not at all surprising. In this paper, we further discuss the relationship between the main political era of Yang Zengxin, and make a basic evaluation of the fundamental.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   绪论   6-15       1、杨增新主政新疆对外关系探讨的缘起和意义   6-7       2、探讨史料及文献   7-10       3、探讨近况   10-13       4、探讨措施及思路   13-15   一、杨增新主政新疆时面临的内外形势   15-20       1、新疆响应辛亥革命和杨增新政权的建立   15-16       2、杨增新主政之始新疆面临的内忧和外患   16-20   二、杨增新主新时期与俄国的关系   20-47       1、俄国增兵伊犁和《中俄沿霍尔果斯河划界议定书》的签订   20-23       2、科阿战争和阿尔泰划归新疆   23-29       3、策勒村事件及中俄交涉   29-34       4、对俄通商的交涉与谈判   34-39       5、对俄哈难民及白俄军入新的处理   39-47   三、杨增新主新时期与苏联的关系   47-55       1、对于引渡旧俄领事和难民败兵问题的交涉   47-49       2、与苏通商问题的交涉和双方贸易的发展   49-55   四、杨增新主新时期与英国(印度、阿富汗)的关系   55-64       1、对于“英侨”问题的交涉   55-59       2、新疆与英国(印度、阿富汗)的贸易   59-64   五、杨增新主新时期防范其他外来势力   64-69       1、杨增新防止土耳其“泛伊斯兰主义”、“泛突厥主义”思想的侵入   64-67       2、杨增新防止日本势力渗透新疆   67-69   六、杨增新主政时期新疆对外关系的特点之评析   69-74       1、维护国家主权和利益   69-70       2、请示中央政府,不擅自专行   70-71       3、侧重与俄(苏)的交涉   71-72       4、利用帝国主义国家间的矛盾,制约外国势力   72-73       5、和平办理交涉,绝少诉诸武力   73-74   结语   74-76   参考文献   76-81   附录(民国新疆地图)   81-82   致谢   82  
