
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



This paper is to explore the relationship between Hagel's historical philosophy and Turgenev's novel "father and son", "Luo Pavilion". Hagel's philosophy in nineteenth Century, Russia's influence is quite large, many of the time Russia's outstanding characters have been influenced by the philosophy of Turgenev, Hagel is also listed. Have an important influence on Turgenev's two novel is Hagel's philosophy of history, although Hagel's majestic sense of history is still limited by Christianity, but the history of philosophy was to change the perception of activity digestion of permanent Providence Christian worship, breaking the great influence of the nihilism in the ancient world in the process of exchange split. Turgenev with its unique sensitivity to capture this feel of the new ideas of energy and familiar to the connotation of the weak, his understanding of separation represented in Pakistan Azarov and Luoting body, his thought and profound significance to the later.


中文摘要   2-3   英文摘要   3   绪言   5-11   第1章 黑格尔哲学在俄国的传播与屠格涅夫的思想取向   11-21       1.1 彼得大帝的改革与俄罗斯未来道路之争   11-14       1.2 俄国的黑格尔派   14-21   第2章 黑格尔的历史哲学与屠格涅夫的虚无主义概念   21-34       2.1 黑格尔历史哲学的三个层次   21-24       2.2 黑格尔历史哲学中的理性与神意   24-30       2.3 屠格涅夫的虚无主义概念   30-34   第3章 《父与子》和《罗亭》中的理性与虚无主义   34-50       3.1 巴札洛夫形象解读   34-43       3.2 罗亭形象解读   43-50   结语   50-52   致谢   52-53   攻读学位期间论文   53-54   参考文献   54-60   独创性声明   60   学位论文版权使用授权书   60-61   中文详细摘要   61-67  
