
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The village system of traditional village in Russia has a long history. Following the success of the October Revolution, Lenin in the exploration process of socialist way, continue and growth of Marx and Engels about farmer collaboration thought basically constitute of farmer cooperation thought and make Russian villages to a new organizational forms to be combined. In his "theory of cooperative" article made clear the small-scale peasant economy slowly towards the socialist cooperative planning, are discussed in detail from the category of smooth began to farmer organizations in cooperative way, and demonstrated in no class regime and the basis for private production of provided under the cooperative nature, organization method, the principles of fundamental performance. The farmer cooperative thoughts of Lenin in socialist revolution and construction theory continue to mature. Lenin and continued growth of Marx and Engels about the fundamental thought of farmer cooperation. At the same time with Russian citizens Nazi faction struggle in the process of further by the influence of Russian traditional village of rail system. Overall, the farmer cooperative thoughts of Lenin in the Russian Socialist Revolution and construction played an inestimable role. However, because of its own limitations will make this collaboration means no persist. This kind of important limitations are farmers cooperative in the process, with Lenin as representatives of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of the farmer's benefits and roles in the performance without a clear grasp and relatively complete rail system to ensure. Again further discuss Lenin's farmer cooperative thoughts, of our country better stop modern agricultural collaboration changes construction, and China's achievements of the farmers, country scores and scores of agricultural processing has important practical guiding significance.


封面   1-2  
文摘   2-3  
英文文摘   3-4  
声明   4-5  
一、导论   5-12  
    (一)选题意义   5-6  
    (二)探讨近况综述   6-8  
    (三)、探讨思路   8-10  
        1、探讨目标   9-10  
        2、探讨内容   10-10  
    (四)探讨措施   10-11  
    (五)、本文的创新与不足   11-12  
二、沙俄传统村社制度的产生、发展及其作用   12-31  
    (一)、沙皇俄国传统的村社制度   12-19  
        1、村社与“俄罗斯精神”起源   12-14  
        2、村社的“合”与“分”   14-19  
    (二)、对传统村社制度的认识问题   19-27  
        1、马克思恩格斯对村社制度的认识和批判   19-23  
        2、民粹派和俄国马克思主义者的认识   23-27  
    (三)传统村社对列宁农民合作化思想的作用   27-31  
三、列宁的农民合作化思想   31-65  
    (一)列宁农民合作化思想产生的历史背景   31-35  
        1、战时共产主义遭遇的困境   31-33  
        2、新经济政策的实施   33-33  
        3、对社会主义建设道路的新认识   33-35  
    (二)列宁农民合作化思想的主要内容   35-56  
        1、理论前提   35-38  
        2、列宁农民合作化思想的主要内容   38-46  
        3、农民合作化在新经济政策和社会主义建设中的定位   46-48  
        4、农民合作化的基本准则   48-53  
        4、合作化的前景   53-56  
    (三)对列宁农民合作化思想的评价   56-65  
        1、列宁农民合作化思想成功之处及其作用   56-58  
        2、合作化的结局及其原因   58-65  
四、启示   65-69  
参考文献:   69-72  
致谢   72  
