
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The railway is said with capitalist productivity, is the main result of industrial civilization. The railway construction and operation will require a certain amount of common sense of talent, and specialized skills management personnel and new industrial workers. The southwest regional railway by the Qing government, the northern warlords, Russian and Japanese architecture. Along with the southwest railway building, southwest railway school are beginning to set up. Railway schools establish the fashion, creating advanced knowledge talents, promote the change of knowledge structure of talented person, these people graduate after not only in the railway coherent part of the task, in the community other industry category task, to the southwest region of civilization construction played a great role in promoting. In its influence and impetus, the old school also began to have set up. At this time the talent to create more than just common sense, and professional. Schools teaching will not only promote the growth of modernization, at the same time these received the old teachings of the intellectual in the southwestern region, in the process of Chinese civilization and Russian Civilisation, Japanese culture collide with each other and modernization began to wake up must level also contributed to the Chinese ethnic consciousness, promote the growth of all the Kanto civilization.


中文摘要   2-3   Abstract   3   绪论   6-9       一、与课题探讨相关的近况及发展趋势   6-8       二、本文探讨的目的和意义   8-9   第一章 铁路修筑之前东北的社会状况   9-18       第一节 铁路修筑前东北的交通和社会状况   9-12           一、铁路修筑前东北地的交通状况   9-11           二、铁路修筑前东北地区的社会状况   11-12       第二节 东北地区旧式学校的地域分布及其特色   12-18           一、东北地区旧式学校的地域分布   12-14           二、东北地区旧式学校的特色   14-18   第二章 东北铁路学校的设立   18-39       第一节 清政府和北洋军阀时期东北铁路学校的状况   18-25           一、清政府时期东北铁路学校的状况   18-20           二、北洋军阀时期东北铁路学校的状况   20-25       第二节 中东铁路的学校状况   25-33       第三节 南满铁路的学校状况   33-39   第三章 东北铁路学校的人才培养   39-48       第一节 清政府和北洋军阀的铁路学校培养人才情况   39-44           一、清政府的铁路学校培养人才情况   39-43           二、北洋军阀的铁路学校培养人才情况   43-44       第二节 中东铁路的铁路学校培养人才情况   44-45       第三节 南满铁路的铁路学校培养人才情况   45-48   第四章 东北铁路学校培养的人才对东北文化的作用   48-53       第一节 资本主义生产力的特点与教育   48-49       第二节 殖民地的文化略论   49-51       第三节 关东文化的变迁   51-53   结语   53-54   参考文献   54-56   后记   56-57  
