
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

格奥尔基·瓦连廷诺维奇·普列汉诺夫是将马克思恩格斯实际正式引入俄国的最早流传者,是俄国哲学史上最主要的哲学家之一,是俄国十九世纪七十年月到二十世纪初最巨大的政治运动和政管理论家,著有很多名篇。他在俄国树立了第一个马克思主义集团一“休息束缚社”,活着界近古代史的一些严重事宜上,在国际共产主义活动和俄国无产阶层反动活动的剧烈而庞杂的奋斗中,饰演了主要的脚色,是一个作用深远的汗青人物。他在1907年完成的《马克思主义根本成绩》中将马克思的唯物史不雅实际细化为社会构造学说“五项身分公式”:(一)临盆力的状态;(二)被临盆力所制约的经济关系;(三)在必定的经济“基本”上发展起来的社会政治轨制;(四)一部门由经济直接所决议的,一部门由发展在经济上的全体社会政治轨制所决议的社会中的人的心思;(五)反应这类心思特征的各类思惟系统。这是对马克思唯物史不雅新的、成长了的、详细化的实际进献,解读普列汉诺夫“五项身分公式”实际可以发明他在公式中一直贯串着社会存在决议社会心识、临盆力决议临盆关系、经济基本决议下层修建等唯物史不雅的根本不雅点,论述了社会构造实际不以人的意志为转移的客不雅性,解释了社会汗青的成长的基本是以社会物资材料临盆的成长为基本的,是推动社会提高的最初动因,普列汉诺夫的社会构造学说“五项身分公式”实际就是阐述这些汗青动因的最好正文,俄语论文,是完全的唯心主义一元论的汗青不雅。 苏联社会主义社会的建成息争体就用汗青现实验证了这个一元论的汗青不雅。 普列汉诺夫已经果断否决俄国经由过程“十月反动”暴力手腕在社会物资前提非常缺少的时刻强行“逾越本钱主义卡夫丁峡谷”而建成社会主义社会,即便在“十月反动”以后俄国曾经树立了“苏维埃”政权,但他也以为列宁是运用“十月反动”曲解了马克思、恩格斯的“同时反动”“配合成功”的实际,建成的苏联社会主义社会是缺少商品经济的社会,其实不是马克思、恩格斯已经所假想的社会主义社会,所以可以说是不具有真正意义上的社会主义社会,它只是一个经不刮风雨“早产儿”,其社会主义的基础得不到包管。 “斯年夜林形式”是苏联社会主义社会最具代表性的形式,也是对普列汉诺夫“五项身分公式”学说最歪曲的归纳,如高度政治化的工业化、单一性的筹划经济体系体例、政治权利高度集中的“小我崇敬”、年夜清洗活动招致害怕、压制的社会意理等等,表示的是运用“斯年夜林形式”作为掩体,运用国度机械作为对象,在权要体系体例的外套包裹下赓续地为小我追求好处,而令人平易近大众的好处遭到伤害,导致主体缺掉;社会心识历久不依附社会存在而起指点感化,思惟系统显著畸形。 在斯年夜林以后,俄语毕业论文,赫鲁晓夫的“非斯年夜林化”再次归纳了违反人类社会成长客不雅纪律的任何改造都不是真正胜利的社会主义改造;勃列日涅夫的悄然斯年夜林主义化再次将小我崇敬归纳得比斯年夜林时代尤甚,实施引导干部职务毕生制孕育出社会“特权阶级",招致权要主义、个人主义双倍众多、社会品德腐化、虚伪声誉风行;戈尔巴乔夫则睡在浪漫主义的温床上提出了理想式的“新思想”改造,“三天一个筹划,五天一个纲要”完整违反人类社会汗青的成长纪律而停止想入非非,将苏联社会主义一步步送入深渊直到完全崩溃。苏联社会主义用74年存在的汗青再次反衬出普列汉诺夫“五项身分公式”实际的准确。 苏联崩溃的经验是深入的。普列汉诺夫“五项身分公式”实际禁受了苏联社会汗青成长的磨练,它不只唯一提醒人类社会成长必需尊敬社会客不雅纪律的汗青意义,更具有合适任何一种性质的社会成长都值得自创的实际意义,是完整相符人类社会成长的真实、客不雅的社会构造实际。


Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov is Marx and Engels actual formal introduction of Russia's first circulated, is history of Russian philosophy on the major philosophers of is to Russia in the nineteenth century, 70 years at the beginning of the twentieth century the greatest political movements and political tube theorist, wrote a lot of famous. Russia where he set up the first Marxist group "rest bound agency, alive bound in ancient history of some serious matters, nothing middle-class reactionary activities of intense and complex struggle, playing the main role, is a far-reaching historical figures with Russia in the international communist movement. In 1907 he completed the Marxism fundamental results "will of Marx's materialist conception of history the actual detailed for social structure theory of" five factors formula: (a) productivity; (II) by birth control of economic relations; (III) in economy is the inevitable "basic" on the development of social and political system; (IV) a department by the economic directly determine, social sector by the development in economy of all social and political system of the resolution in the mind; (5) reaction this kind of psychological characteristics of the all sorts of ideological system. This is the actual of Marx historical materialism with new, growing, Xian, Plekhanov interpretation of "five element formula" can actually be his invention in the formula has been permeated with social existence and social consciousness, the resolution of productivity, the basic economic relations after resolution of fundamental resolution lower construction history of materialism the point of view, discusses the social structure of the actual transfer to the will of the people of objectivity, explains the social and historical development is basically in the social material production growth is basic, is the initial motive force of promoting the society to improve the social structure, theory of "Plekhanov's five identity formula is described the best text these historical reasons, is completely idealistic monism of history indecent. Built in the Soviet Socialist Society and body with historical reality show this monistic history indecent. Plekhanov has decisively rejected Russia through the process of "October revolution" violent means are in short time to force the premise of social material beyond the capitalist Kafting Valley "and to build a socialist society, even after the" October revolution "Russia has established a" Soviet "regime, but he also thought that Lenin is the practical application of the" October revolution "misinterpreted Marx, Engels" and "reactionary" with the success of the completion of the Soviet socialist society is the lack of commodity economy society, in fact, not Marx, Engels has a imaginary socialist society, so it can be said that does not have a real sense of the socialist society, it is a not windy rain "premature", the foundation the socialism can not guarantee. "Stalin form" Soviet socialist society is the most representative form, but also to Plekhanov "five identity formula" doctrine is the most distorted induction, such as highly politicized industrialization, single planning economic system, the political rights of highly concentrated "personality cult", lead to fear, repression Nianye cleaning activities the social psychology and so on, that is the application of "Stalin form" as the bunker, using the country as a mechanical object, in the right system to coat wrapped continuously to the pursuit of benefits for the ego, and a plain near the public benefit damage, cause the lack of social consciousness; a social attachment there is the direct effect, thought significant deformity. In Stalin, Khrushchev's "big forest Fez" again summarizes the violation of the human social development objective of any discipline transformation are not the real victory of socialist transformation; Brezhnev quietly, Lin again Nianye Marxism ego reverence than inductive Stalin era especially, the implementation of guiding cadres lifetime bred "social class", lead to the right privilege doctrine, individualism, social and moral corruption, many double false reputation popular; Gorbachev slept on a romantic bed and puts forward the ideal type of "new ideas" transformation, "a plan for three days, five days to complete a program" in violation of the human society development history discipline and stop daydreaming, the Soviet socialism into an abyss until completely collapse. The Soviet Union 74 years of history once again highlighted the Plekhanov "five factor formula" actual accuracy. The experience of the Soviet Union collapsed. Plekhanov "five factors formula" actual undergo the Soviet society historical development of hone, it not only remind human society growth must respect society objectively discipline of historical significance, is more appropriate a kind of any nature of social development are worthy of own practical significance, is a complete line of the development of the human society truly and objectively the social structure theory.

