摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,俄语毕业论文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 意年夜利共产党引导人安东尼奥·葛兰西是东方马克思主义的有名代表人物。上世纪俄国十月反动成功以后,沿着俄国社会主义反动途径进步的东方蓬勃本钱主义国度的反动理论纷纭走向掉败。面临国际年夜情况,葛兰西赓续对俄国无产阶层反动的理论和亲自引导的无产阶层反动理论经历停止总结,而且联合意年夜利的现实,终究在其作品《狱中札记》中发明性的论述了本身的认识形状引导权实际。葛兰西的认识形状引导权思惟逻辑构造周密,实际内在丰硕,对马克思主义哲学的有关思惟停止了立异性的略论。今朝,我们对葛兰西认识形状引导权思惟的研究仍具有主要的实际和实际意义。一方面,葛兰西的认识形状引导权思惟为东方蓬勃本钱主义国度的无产阶层反动供给了一种新的计谋措施选择,转变了无产阶层反动情势拘泥于暴力反动的单一途径选择状态;另外一方面,葛兰西的认识形状引导权思惟为我国的社会主义认识形状扶植具有严重的自创意义。东欧剧变、苏联崩溃后,跟着经济全球化而带来的文明抵触的加重,器械方国度认识形状上的奋斗情势越发严格,东方国度的文明霸权为我国认识形状扶植增长了伟大阻力。在全球化配景下推动中国特点社会主义认识形状扶植就显得尤其主要。本文基于对葛兰西的相干原著的深刻研读和剖析,总结葛兰西认识形状引导权思惟的实际内在。我力图在对葛兰西认识形状引导权思惟的客不雅评价的基本上,精确论述出葛兰西认识形状引导权思惟的实际和实际意义,自创其思惟的公道部门,终究对我国社会主义认识形状扶植提出可行性建议。 Abstract: Antonio Gramsci is a famous representative of the Oriental Marx. Last century Russian October Revolution after the success, along the Russian socialist revolution route to progress of Oriental booming capitalist countries the reactionary theory of diverse to fail. Facing the international situation, Gramsci gengxu to Russia without middle-class reactionary theory and personally lead the middle-class reactionary theory experience summary, and the reality of the United Italy, after all, in his book "prison" notes on the invention of discusses the understanding shape guide in practice. Gramsci's understanding of the shape of the guide in thinking logic structure thorough, practical inner rich, the thought of Marxist philosophy stopped made specific analysis. At present, we have the main practical and practical significance for the study of Gramsci's understanding of the shape of guiding ideology. On the one hand, Gramsci's understanding of the shape of the guide in thinking for Oriental booming capitalist countries no middle class reactionary provides a new method of strategy choice, change the no middle class reactionary regime adheres to the reactionary violence of the single path selection; on the other hand, Gramsci understanding shape guide in thinking for our country socialism understanding shape support has a serious significance. Eastern European upheaval, the collapse of the Soviet Union, followed by the economic globalization and the conflict of civilization, the national understanding of the form of the state of the struggle is more stringent, the eastern state of civilization hegemony for China's understanding of the shape of the growth of great resistance. Under the background of globalization, it is especially the main form to promote China's characteristic socialism. This paper is based on the relevant original Gramsci's deep study and analysis of the original text, Gramsci's understanding of the shape of guiding ideology of the actual internal. I am trying to understand the shape of Ge Lanxi's understanding of the concept of the evaluation of the customer is not the evaluation of the basic, accurate exposition of Ge Lanxi's understanding of the shape of the guiding ideology of the actual and practical significance, the reasonable division of their ideas, and eventually to China's socialist understanding of the shape of the proposed feasibility. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 目录 6-7 导论 7-12 (一) 相关概念的历史阐释 7-8 (二) 葛兰西意识形态领导权思想的探讨近况及探讨目的 8-12 第一章 葛兰西意识形态领导权思想形成的客观条件及理论来源 12-19 第一节 思想形成的客观条件 12-13 第二节 思想形成的理论来源 13-19 第二章 意识形态领导权思想的基础:实践哲学 19-22 第一节 实践哲学的实质与内涵 19-20 第二节 意识形态领导权与实践哲学 20-22 第三章 意识形态领导权思想的前提:市民社会 22-26 第一节 “市民社会”概念的阐释 22-23 第二节 葛兰西的市民社会理论:国家与市民社会 23-26 第四章 意识形态领导权思想的理论内涵 26-33 第一节 意识形态领导权的核心:“同意”和“意见一致” 26-27 第二节 意识形态领导权的实现主体:有机知识分子 27-29 第三节 夺取意识形态领导权的战略方式:阵地战 29-31 第四节 巩固意识形态领导权的保障:无产阶级政党 31-33 第五章 对葛兰西意识形态领导权思想的客观评价 33-40 第一节 葛兰西意识形态领导权思想的理论作用 33-37 第二节 葛兰西意识形态领导权思想的历史局限 37-40 第六章 葛兰西意识形态领导权思想对中国特色社会主义意识形态建设的启示 40-45 第一节 坚持马克思主义理论的指导影响 40-41 第二节 加强中国共产党的领导,搞好政党建设 41-42 第三节 重视社会主义意识形态领域内的阵地建设 42 第四节 注重知识分子影响的发挥,推动中国特色社会主义文化建设 42-43 第五节 构建社会主义核心价值体系,引领中国特色主流意识形态建设 43-45 注释 45-47 参考文献 47-49 致谢 49-50 附录 50 攻读学位期间的学术论文 50 |