
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The October socialist revolution is the human society development history of the creation of the world a huge history. She not only changed the original Russian political system, economic system and social class structure, and also in the original Russian civilization caused great changes in his career. A well-known literature is one of the important component of civilization, the Soviet regime of the new literature also in this new country to face the new emerging literary stage live on. Lenin in front of the October Revolution predicted "it will be free of literature, due to the batch and batch rebirth strength to attract literary force to the, not self-interest appetite nor reputation position, but socialist ideology and the rest of the national sympathy. It will be free of literature, because of it not for satiety all the ladies of the work, not have sorrow for the bored, swollen 'tens of thousands of others' work, but for tens of thousands of a national, for the essence of these countries, national power and gas, the country's future work. " Marx in the "Outline on Feuerbach" bright pointed out the obligations of Marxist philosophy lies not only in the "show the world", is more important is "changing the world". Literature is not a philosophy, but in a certain sense, the reactionary literature has the obligation to "change the world". One of the main principles of Soviet literature is to actively participate in the process of reforming society. Stalin era, through the international battle and war baptism, unprecedented prosperity of literary works. The glossary is intended to apply the Marxist philosophy, dialysis Stalin era literature prosperity origin, and strive to station in the height of philosophy, the invention, the eve of the forest of literature in the time of the essence, value and significance.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   第一章 绪论   7-14       第一节 探讨背景和目的   7-9           一、探讨背景   7-8           二、探讨目的   8-9       第二节 探讨意义   9-10           一、理论意义   9           二、实践意义   9-10       第三节 探讨近况及相关文献综述   10-12           一、国外对于斯大林时期文学的探讨   10-11           二、国内对于斯大林时期文学的探讨   11-12           三、探讨近况述评   12       第四节 论文的总体思路及创新点   12-14           一、主要探讨内容   12-13           二、主要探讨措施   13           三、创新点   13-14   第二章 马克思哲学观概述   14-22       第一节 马克思哲学观的含义   14-15       第二节 马克思哲学观的演变   15-17           一、马克思哲学观的形成   15-16           二、马克思哲学观的发展变化   16-17       第三节 马克思哲学观的本质特征   17-21           一、科学的批判精神   17-18           二、科学的实践观   18-21       本章小结   21-22   第三章 原苏联马克思主义的发展   22-28       第一节 斯大林时期文学发展的背景   22       第二节 斯大林时期马克思主义的发展   22-26           一、苏联社会主义建设和哲学上的争论   23-24           二、追求马克思主义哲学的系统化   24           三、斯大林捍卫马克思主义和其教条主义的发展   24-26       第三节 斯大林时期的文学著作解析   26-27       本章小结   27-28   第四章 马克思哲学观对斯大林时期文学家的作用   28-37       第一节 斯大林本人对当时苏联文学的态度   28-31           一、对于创作措施的理论   28-29           二、对于文艺学的思想   29-30           三、斯大林在文艺上的严重失误   30-31       第二节 斯大林时期文学的主要派别   31-35           一、表现主义学派   31-33           二、现实主义学派   33-34           三、“拉普”学派   34-35       第三节 应用马克思主义哲学观略论斯大林时期文学的特点   35-36       本章小结   36-37   结论   37-38   致谢   38-39   参考文献   39-40  
