
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Genoa Conference (1922. Four 5 a 10. 19) is one of the most important international conferences in Europe in the early twenty years of twentieth Century. Meetings on behalf of the comment debate Europe Zhongxing economic achievement of international financial and economic conference, but reality is Eastern capitalist countries and the Soviet Union between transfers and establish normal relations between the first test. France is certainly among the Genoa conference proposed States, but the French authorities on the Genoa conference overall position compared to negative, Briand authorities did not voluntarily participate in the conference, succession of Poincare authorities and of the meeting and stop, wanton damage. The French authorities of the Genoa Conference on policy meeting failure has not the obligations, worthy of deep research. This paper focuses on the French authorities in Genoa conference preparation and the time of the relevant policy for a preliminary discussion. The full text is divided into three chapters according to the Genoa conference, preparation and holding stage. The first chapter "the origin of" Genoa conference meeting back suggestions background and put forward the process. After the October Revolution, France because social track system and the debt problems of the Soviet Union the hostile position, and actively support the armed movement of Soviet intervention. After the failure of armed intervention, in the threat of economic crisis, Britain and other European countries are beginning to establish business relations with russia. In this regard, on the one hand, the French keep anti Soviet stance politically, on the one hand, economic coveted Russian market. In armed intervention after losing, Britain and France and other countries tried to Soviet Russia in 1921 famine as an opportunity, to support the Soviet Union under the guise of, from new power penetration of Russia, but the proposed Russian recognition of creditor's rights is a prerequisite for support. In this regard, Russia proposed an international conference to discuss related problems. France because of its anti Soviet policy, the proposed response to the call to build an international conference, cold. The second chapter discusses the process of the formation of the policy of the Genoa conference of the French authorities. British Prime Minister Lloyd George to make Briand received with the Soviet Union and Germany and other European countries together to convene a European international economic conference, give the French security guarantee contract compensation is proposed. For the search for peace, Briand authorities in Cannes conference officially received the Lloyd George, but was the French international ethnic nationalist intense lash, voluntary panic came to power. Subsequently served as the new Prime Minister of Poincare tried to through understand the Soviet government participating the premise and limit the meeting scale and other methods so that the meeting is postponed, and want to make the meeting ultimately died. The third chapter examines the social movements of the French delegation at the Genoa conference. At the end of the meeting, the delegation of France in maintaining Cannes decides the premise basically as far as possible with the British delegation of bifurcation behaviour to prevent bear the meeting off defeat obligations; after the signing of the contract of Rapallo. On the one hand, the French delegation request large German delegation, in talks with the representatives of Russia and Soviet Union maintained in Russian debt problems and restore the nationalization of industry performance stubborn stance, eventually lead to fizzle out of the meeting. Thus, the French authorities of the Genoa Conference on policy meeting failure has not the obligations. Although the Poincare authorities of conference accomplish nothing results smug, since that cover the benefits of itself, but in the long run, the benefits of France is not without damage. Chapeau, Germany, Russia and China through the process of signed the Rapallo contract "to restore diplomatic relations, bilateral practical close to means of French security latent threat. Secondly, out of France and Britain increasingly sharp, Anglo French relations severely damaged at a meeting in Genoa. Is, France the Genoa conference policy "harm unlucky to others", absorbed in front of benefits, the lack of long-term considerations, is a out of the failure of communication operation.

