
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Lenin's political talent think and grow in the proletarian revolution and socialist construction theory. The revolution of October before the Russian social conflict intensified, the reactionary opportunity matures. The situation of growth, need a group of excellent political talent burdens to guide and organize national public stop reactionary struggle. The political talents led efforts in national cooperation, the success of the revolution of October. The main political talents to display their role in the struggle for power. After the Soviet regime, in a number of outstanding political talents under the guidance of the Russian firm completed the difficult obligations the proletariat regime, has opened up a new approach to the development of economy and society. The historical influence of the political talent concentrated said no middle-class reactionary activities to supply theoretical guidance for the, indicate reactionary growth bias and progressive ways. Scientific analysis of reactionary struggle practical premise, proletarian reactionary activities formulate accurate Road, guiding principle, policy and strategy; in the reactionary activities has superior sensitivity and skill to master, timely to lure the reactionary to success. In the proletariat regime in the process of making history, political talent influence said more. The construction method of the era, affect the political talents with different performance in its detailed theory to guide the society, civilization construction. In order to better adapt to the revolution and construction of the need to complete the historical mission, political talents required with following the very nature of the play, faithful to the proletarian revolutionary cause; with extraordinary organization and ability to guide; has been working with the public to rigorous approached; caring, linking the comrades. In order to better display their political talent historical role, we must correctly handle the political talents and national public relations and all kinds of talents. Political talents should always represent the fundamental interests of the people, like cherish eyes like cherish talents, but also ready to guide the group connection and stable. Lenin's political talent is authorized to the products of the era, the inevitable strip marks and limitation period. Due to Lenin's premature death, some contents of political talent think before further perfection. But Lenin's political talent to the inner still on China's political talents fostering enlightened forces enhance the main effect. Theory of Lenin's political talent to the important inspiration to the length of the merits and demerits objectively evaluate the political talents; adjust the personnel of the political status, rejected the personal worship; enhance the political talent troops construction veto power to doctrine and decay.

