
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Sino Russian relations are the highest level of China's foreign relations, the most fruitful of a pair of strategic partnership. China Russia relations have reached an unprecedented level, to establish a model for the coordination of the eve of the country, to promote regional and even the world war and peace play an important role in the stability. Although Sino Russian relations have a high degree of special and strategic characteristics, but the growth process of Sino Russian relations, there are some constraints. For example, there are some conflict with Russia Chinese in historical memory, national character and history of civilization, the relationship between the two countries to hinder the growth of planted a little insurmountable; from the geopolitical point of view, although Russia has a long boundary line with convenient commercial supply expansion for the two countries, but also the further cooperation the two countries in political, economic, safe areas have some negative influence; later, China and Russia gained gratifying increase in trade volume, but the economy is lower than the political "special status and power cooperation still restrict the further growth of striking one snag after another economic relations between the two countries; restricting the growth of Sino Russian relations. Contains identity exists in the military skill category in cooperation on both sides of the results, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the fight and American identity achievement . The occurrence of these constraints originated in China and Russia have different countries benefits. In detail, under the current international format, the influence of these factors on the relationship between China and Russia is infinite. The reason is the mutual benefits between China and Russia in the eve of the two countries to benefit. In order to avoid the vicious contraction of Sino Russian relations, the two countries have adopted a constructive and practical behavior, in order to protect the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5-6   引言   8-17       (一) 选题缘起与探讨意义   8-10       (二) 文献综述与探讨目标   10-15       (三) 探讨措施与内容框架   15-17   一、 中俄关系的历史演进与近况略论   17-31       (一) 中国和俄罗斯的对外战略   17-21       (二) 中俄关系的历史积淀   21-23       (三) 中俄关系的历史演进   23-27       (四) 中俄关系的近况略论   27-31   二、 中俄关系发展的制约因素   31-53       (一) 制约中俄关系发展的历史因素   31-33       (二) 制约中俄关系发展的地缘因素   33-35       (三) 制约中俄关系发展的经济因素   35-44       (四) 制约中俄关系发展的战略因素   44-53   三、 对中俄关系发展制约因素的评估   53-61       (一) 中俄关系制约因素的概括性评价   53-55       (二) 中国克服中俄关系制约因素的管控方法   55-57       (三) 俄罗斯对中俄关系制约因素的看法及对策   57-61   四、 中国的策略应对   61-65       (一) 总体目标   61-62       (二) 具体举措   62-65   结语   65-66   参考文献   66-72   作者简介   72-73   后记   73  
