
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

本章勾勒出本探讨提供一个探究地图的背景,目的和意义,并组织论文。This chapter sketches out an exploratory map of the present study by providing: thebackground, the purpose and significance, and the organization of the thesis.

1.1 Background of the Thesis探讨背景
Since the implementation of The New Curriculum Standard for Senior Students(2017), reading teaching has undergone noticeable changes, from the traditionalcramming education centering on discrete vocabulary and grammar, to a shift on  information-processing through reading. High school English reading teaching,however,is far from satisfaction. A great deal has been done in this regard (Lan Meishan,2017;Hao Guoqiang and Liu Ailing, 2017; Guo Yi,2017; Yuan Chunyan,2017).Among them, Yuan (2017) launched a 4-phase survey of 2 years, with 24 seniorEnglish teachers as the subjects from 6 homogenous sample schools in 6 districts,viainterview and classroom observation.  It arrived at an conclusion that 1) current readingcourse is in substance testing the students rather than teaching them how to read, inwhich teachers follow a commonly held but likely rigid and erroneous teachingprocedure, namely, question-presentation—simple instructions一answer-checking~thenext teaching steps in a chain. 2) the teacher-student interaction based on one-onecorrespondence of asking and answering fails to accomplish the training tasks in light ofteaching stages of pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading. 3) the course pivotsaround the superficial information like facts and details,etc, while the deeper meaningof an article as well as the input of background information is pending furtherdiscussion. 4) a focus on information-processing is paid at the cost of ignoring linguisticknowledge, even absolutely dropping it. Undoubtedly, English learners in such asituation lack interest and confidence vital for learning, which brings about thispessimistic phenomenon that the students in English class feel as if they were lying on abed of thorns, and that reading achievement is frustrating. Therefore, it becomescritically urgent that a scientific,rational and efficient teaching mode in accordance withthe senior students' characteristic cognition be figured out to meet New CurriculumStandard requirements.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis论文的意义和目的
For many students, reading is by far the most important of the four skills in asecond language,英语论文题目英语论文范文,particularly in English as a second or foreign language (Carrell, 1988).Reading is a vital channel of language input and it accounts for 50% of languageacquisition (Cheng Shilu,Zhang Guoyang,1996). Alternatively speaking, Englishreading teaching plays a decisive role in the entire English education,and definitelydominates high school English teaching. The constant reform of the traditional readingteaching methodology is not only in great need currently but also a challenge thatteachers face-According to Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development, reading comprehension isa process of dynamic equilibration between readers' decoding and the author's encodingin which readers' schema is improved, enriched, and developed through assimilationand accommodation via a continuous cycle of equilibrium—disequilibrium—a newequilibrium. Gaining enlightenment from the the
