
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Since the country put forward the strategy of "western development", the development of Sino Russian border trade has become a major part of the opening of the port city in Southwest China. In recent years, the weak recovery of the Russian economy, coupled with the high level of Chinese and Russian authorities on the growth of economic and trade value, both for the new round of Sino Russian border trade expanded to lay the basic. However, Sino Russia border trade traditional business methods can not adapt to the needs in the further growth of economic cooperation and trade between China and Russia border cities, the growth of the Sino Russian border trade needs new breach. This article is an important application of the international business practice and new economic geography and learning practical common sense, the Sino Russian border trade and growth of the occurrence of the same practical framework, stopped the system to sort out. Through the analysis of the process of the historical origin of Sino Russian border trade, development status and characteristics, on the Sino Russian border trade of all rough and clue is a good master. At the same time, from the international trade theory and new economic geography perspective, take NTB index and LQ index to weigh the Sino Russian border trade comparative advantage, and of Sino Russia border trade in the presence of the commercial capital barriers subdivision, stop the empirical research. We invented the comparative advantage of China and Russia border trade is very significant, and fundamentally consistent with the comparative advantage of the whole business of China and russia. However, border trade between China and Russia and Russia policy achievement and the Russian port infrastructure construction is not perfect because exist high business cost barriers, greatly constrained bilateral trade expansion and upgrade. In view of the Sino Russian border trade advantages and problems, this paper further discussed on both sides of the collaboration space and Russian born expected opportunities. Can be a feeling, in the economic globalization and the regional economic integration of the micro situation and the growth of the customer under the background, the Sino Russian border commercial growth prospects are still optimistic. In this paper, all adopt the method of system analysis, combined with NAFTA in the business, investment, port infrastructure construction a few successful experience proposed new era of Sino Russian border area useful collaboration opportunities and should pay attention to several aspects, for the growth of the Sino Russian border trade to provide some reference.


1 引言   7-10       1.1 探讨背景   7-8       1.2 探讨措施和思路   8       1.3 论文框架   8-10   2 边境贸易:界定与略论   10-22       2.1 边境贸易:界定与特点   10-12       2.2 边境贸易:一个理论解析   12-22           2.2.1 边境贸易:基于一般国际贸易理论的解释   12-16           2.2.2 边境贸易:基于新经济地理学(NEG)的解释   16-20           2.2.3 边境贸易:一般贸易理论与NEG整合解释   20-22   3 中俄边境贸易:历史沿革和发展近况   22-33       3.1 中俄边境贸易:历史溯源   22-24           3.1.1 中俄边境贸易的起源   22           3.1.2 中俄边境贸易:双边条约约束下的发展   22-23           3.1.3 中俄边境贸易:清末波动   23-24       3.2 中苏边境贸易往来历史   24-26           3.2.1 中苏边境贸易:新中国成立前夕   24-25           3.2.2 中苏边境贸易:新中国成立之后   25-26       3.3 中俄(俄罗斯)边境贸易历程及近况   26-33           3.3.1 中俄边贸:历程及其重要性   26-28           3.3.2 中俄边贸:近况及特点   28-33   4 中俄边境贸易:实证探讨   33-49       4.1 中俄边境贸易:基于比较优势的略论   33-38       4.2 中俄边境贸易:基于NEG贸易成本的略论   38-49           4.2.1 贸易政策壁垒   39-41           4.2.2 运输成本问题   41-46           4.2.3 与物流相关的服务体系问题   46-49   5 中俄边境贸易:发展前景及对策建议   49-58       5.1 中俄边境贸易:前景展望   49-55           5.1.1 比较优势基础上的合作空间   49-54           5.1.2 俄罗斯入世带来的机遇   54-55       5.2 中俄边境贸易:对策建议   55-58           5.2.1 NAFTA经验的一点总结   55-56           5.2.2 中俄边贸发展:融合NAFTA经验   56-58   参考文献   58-63   附录   63-65   后记   65  
