摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,俄语论文题目,内容请直接查看目录。) 展开国际科技协作,有用运用全球科技资本,对于敏捷加强国度技巧及经济实力、减少与先辈国度的差距具有非常主要的意义。俄罗斯是我国展开国际科技协作的重要国度之一。最近几年来中俄两国科技协作的范围愈来愈年夜、项目数目愈来愈多、项目治理与评价的难度愈来愈高、任务量愈来愈年夜。是以,对协作项目实施有用的组织和治理掌握,并树立一套迷信有用的项目评价系统,已成为决议项目胜利与否的症结,对于进步中俄科技协作的胜利率,进步我国国际科技协作项目治理的程度,具有非常主要的意义。本文起首剖析了中俄科技协作现状与项目治理现状,基于项目治理常识系统,以项目治理性命周期为主线,研究提出国际科技协作项目治理普通形式;联合中俄科技协作重点项目标计谋定位与优先协作范畴,树立中俄科技协作重点项目治理形式;联合中俄科技协作重点项目标特色,研究树立立项评审、中期检讨和结题验收阶段项目治理评价目标系统和评价办法;选择一批中俄科技协作重点项目展开评价研究,俄语论文,为改良和完美中俄科技协作项目治理程度供给支撑。 Abstract: Expand international scientific and technological cooperation, useful application of global scientific and technological capital, on the rapid strengthening of national skills and economic strength, reduce the gap with the advanced countries has a very important significance. Russia is one of the important countries in international scientific and technological cooperation. In recent years, more and more scientific and technological cooperation between China and Russia, the number of projects more and more, project management and evaluation of more and more difficult, the task is more and more big. Is, for collaborative project implementation useful organization and management control, and establish a set of scientific and effective evaluation system, has become the project decision victory and not the crux of the problem, on the progress of Sino Russian scientific and technological cooperation victory rate, the degree of China's international scientific and technological cooperation project management progress, has very important significance. This paper first analyzes the Sino Russian science and technology research and project management status, project management knowledge system based on the project management life cycle as the main line, the proposed international science and technology cooperation project management common form; joint Sino Russian scientific and technological cooperation focus on the strategy of the project location and priority areas of cooperation, establish a Sino Russian science and technology key project cooperation governance form; joint Sino Russian science and technology the key objectives of research collaboration features, set up the project review, the mid-term review and acceptance stage project management evaluation target system and evaluation methods; choose a group of Russian scientific and technological cooperation project evaluation research, support for the improvement and perfection of Sino Russian science and technology collaboration project management level of supply. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 1 绪论 7-14 1.1 探讨背景 7-8 1.2 国内外探讨近况 8-11 1.3 探讨目的与意义 11-12 1.3.1 探讨目的 11 1.3.2 探讨意义 11-12 1.4 主要探讨内容 12-13 1.5 技术路线 13-14 2 中俄科技合作发展近况与需求略论 14-27 2.1 中俄科技合作近况略论 14-24 2.1.1 中俄科技合作项目执行情况略论 14-21 2.1.2 已结题项目产出情况略论 21-24 2.2 中俄科技合作项目管理近况略论 24-25 2.3 未来中俄科技合作的战略需求略论 25-26 2.4 本章小结 26-27 3 中俄科技合作重点项目管理模式探讨 27-38 3.1 国际科技合作项目管理一般模式探讨 27-32 3.2 中俄科技合作重点项目的战略定位与优先合作领域 32-33 3.3 中俄科技合作重点项目管理模式探讨 33-36 3.3.1 项目管理生命周期 33-34 3.3.2 项目组织与沟通管理 34-35 3.3.3 经费资助 35-36 3.4 工作程序 36 3.5 本章小结 36-38 4 中俄科技合作重点项目管理评价体系探讨 38-48 4.1 立项评审指标体系和评价模型 38-41 4.1.1 立项评审指标体系 38-40 4.1.2 指标权重的确定 40 4.1.3 立项评价建模简述 40-41 4.2 中期评价指标体系和评价模型 41-43 4.2.1 中期评价指标体系 41-42 4.2.2 指标权重的确定 42 4.2.3 中期评价建模简述 42-43 4.3 绩效评估指标体系和评价模型 43-47 4.3.1 绩效评价指标体系 43-44 4.3.2 指标权重确定 44-46 4.3.3 绩效评价建模简述 46-47 4.4 本章小结 47-48 5 中俄科技合作重点项目绩效评价案例探讨 48-51 5.1 中俄科技合作重点项目绩效略论 48-50 5.2 本章小结 50-51 6 总结与展望 51-53 6.1 论文的主要工作与总结 51 6.2 有待进一步探讨的问题 51-53 致谢 53-54 参考文献 54-57 附录 57 A. 攻读学位期间取得的探讨成果 57 |