摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) “满铁从属地”是日俄战斗停止后,日本继续、吸收了原沙俄中东铁路的长春以南至年夜连间的铁路从属地的权力,并由1906年树立的“南满洲铁道股份有限企业”来运营和治理的相似于中东铁路从属地的具有殖平易近性质的特别区域。在这个特别区域中日本享有了行政、司法、部队警员、课税等一系列特权,对中国西南停止了使人发指的周全侵犯。日本是如何如斯“完善”地从俄国手中“正当”地“继受”权力的,本文牢牢环绕四个症结合同睁开,克日俄《朴茨茅斯合同》、中日《会议东三省事宜正约及附约》、中俄《东省铁路企业合同》及中俄《东省铁路南满洲歧路合同》,日本所谓“正当性”继续的根据就是这些合同,日俄权力的秘密交易则是本文的一条重要线索。依附这些和满铁在从属地的抢夺性的扩大及运营,俄语毕业论文,俄语论文,日本在满铁从属地加倍有备无患,从政治、经济、军事、教导、宗教文明等方面临中国西南停止了全方位的侵犯,把满铁从属地酿成了履行其“年夜陆政策”,完成其侵犯野心的基地。 Abstract: "The South Manchurian Railway Company subordinate" is after the cessation of the Russo Japanese War, Japan continued, absorption of Changchun, the former tsarist Russia of the railway in the Middle East to south to the eve of even the railway subordinate power, and by 1906 set up the "South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd." to operation and management of similar in East Road, the slave with a particular area of colonizing nature. In this particular area of Japan enjoys the administrative, judicial, military officers, tax a series of privilege, in southwestern China, stop the heinous comprehensive invasion. Japan is how such a "perfect" from hands of Russia "legitimate" "reception" power, this paper firmly around four crux of open, a contract, Krzysztof Russia the Portsmouth contract ", on the Northeast conference matters is about and annex", China and Russia ", East Railway Company contract" between China and Russia the East Province Railway South Manchuria crossroads contract ", according to Japan's so-called" legitimacy "to continue the is that these contracts, Russo Japanese power trade secret is an important clue to this paper. Depending on the and South Manchuria Railway Company in the expansion and operation of subordinate to snatch, Japan in the South Manchurian Railway Company subordinate double prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter. From politics, economy, military, education, religious civilization facing Southwest China to stop the infringement of a full range of, the South Manchuria Railway company subordinate caused to fulfill its "continental policy", the complete involvement of the ambition of the base. 目录: 内容提要 4-6 前言 6-8 一、满铁附属地之条约来源 8-12 二、满铁附属地的扩展 12-18 (一) 满铁附属地面积的扩展 12-14 (二) 早期移民计划与人口的扩展 14-18 三、满铁附属地给中国东北带来的巨大危害 18-41 (一) 日本在附属地内非法行使各种权力 18-31 1、日本在附属地内非法行政权之由来 18-21 2、日本在附属地内妄用司法权 21-24 3、日本在附属地内强行设警和驻兵 24-28 4、日本在附属地内擅自征税,剥夺中国课税权 28-31 (二) 日本对附属地居民进行疯狂的经济掠夺 31-36 1、扰乱金融--滥发正金、朝鲜两大银行券 31-32 2、控制工矿业--攫夺资源,获取利润 32-34 3、附属地藏污纳垢--非法经营合法化 34-36 (三) “文装武备”方针下附属地的殖民文化 36-41 1、奴化教育的大肆推行 37-38 2、公园与宗教建筑---空间殖民主义与文化殖民主义的产物 38-41 结论 41-43 注释 43-49 参考文献 49-52 中文摘要 52-54 Abstract 54-56 后记 57-58 导师及作者简介 58 |