摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 中国对外汉语教授教养中,汉语的汉字教授教养占领主要位置,汉语中的汉字不只仅是对外汉语教授教养中的软弱点,更是难点。由于汉字兼具表义和表音的属性,使得以表音文字为母语配景的进修者进修汉语难度很年夜。不外以后对外汉语汉字教授教养的一些办法,好比集中识字、形声字归类、拼音识字等,都可以或许对对外汉语的汉字教授教养起到必定的感化,然则若另辟门路,从汉字的组成部件动手,例如从笔划和笔顺教授教养则是对外汉语汉字教授教养中的一个有用手腕。本文以母语俄语的先生为例,在剖析了传统汉字教授教养办法及存在成绩的基本上,提出了针对俄语先生停止的笔划、笔顺教授教养的根本办法,并指出了其教授教养的留意事项,旨在有用进步俄国粹生的汉字进修才能,进步汉语程度,增进中俄两国间的交换。 Abstract: Chinese teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching Chinese characters in the occupation of the main position, Chinese characters are not only a weak point in the teaching of foreign language, but also the difficulties. Due to the characters of both semantic and phonetic attribute table, making to phonography mother tongue background learners learning Chinese difficult. Nevertheless Chinese as a foreign language teaching in some ways, like focus on literacy, pictophonetic characters classified, Pinyin literacy can perhaps the Chinese character teaching of Chinese as a foreign language to a certain role. However, if the other monarch IACON, begin from the characters of the components, for example from the stroke and stroke order teaching is a useful means in Chinese as a foreign language teaching. The MR of the native Russian, for example, based on the analysis of the traditional Chinese character teaching method and problems of proposed for the fundamental ways to stop Mr. Russian strokes, stroke order teaching, and points out the teaching matters needing attention to useful progress Russian students learn Chinese characters to and progress of Chinese degree, enhance the exchange between China and Russia. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 1 绪论 7-11 1.1 选题背景 7 1.2 探讨意义 7-8 1.3 探讨近况 8-9 1.3.1 对于汉字认知规律方面的探讨 8-9 1.3.2 对于留学生汉字学习特点的探讨 9 1.3.3 关于现有教材的探讨 9 1.3.4 对于汉字教学法的探讨 9 1.4 理论根据 9-11 1.4.1 字理教学 9-10 1.4.2 第二语言习得 10-11 2 传统对俄汉字教学近况的略论 11-12 2.1 集中识字 11 2.2 形声字归类 11 2.3 注音识字 11-12 3 一种新的汉字教学尝试--从笔画笔顺入手教汉字 12-17 3.1 在笔画教学中出现的一些问题 13-14 3.1.1 笔画的增减 13 3.1.2 笔画的随意更改 13 3.1.3 笔画位置的变换及同类笔画长短不同 13-14 3.2 对于笔画教学的建议 14-15 3.2.1 指出笔画名称 14-15 3.2.2 按要求写出带同一笔画的字 15 3.2.3 数出笔画数 15 3.3 对于笔顺教学的建议 15-16 3.4 笔画、笔顺教学的注意事项 16-17 4 结语 17-18 参考文献 18-19 致谢 19 |