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资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

This thesis is based on the theory of system, the actual situation of ancient times, the actual situation of system changes, the actual situation of regional development, and the main purpose of this study. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the characteristics of the teaching of the ancient China. This study has very important practical significance and practical value. The whole thesis is divided into seven sections. The introduction is made by the reason of choosing the topic, the significance of the research, the literature review, the definition of the concept, the purpose of the research, the content and methods of the research. In the first chapter, it has been proved that there are many different forms of regional diversity. Takes the system theory perspective, will teach ancient is seen as a polyhedron, of different countries and regions and different growth stage, in teaching ancient increased in fact, unbalanced, and resolution of the teach the ancient process have their own characteristics and ways of respective. In the view of the ancient times, the teaching of ancient China has many characteristics, but the development of education in ancient times is diverse, and the process is multi - shaped, and there is no common form of the world. To the perspective of institutional change practice to explain the education reform or teach ancient exactly is teaching the process of institutional change or innovation, reality is teaching benefits changes and distribution of the rail system, change the process very complicated. Taking the regional development as a practical perspective, it is further proved that the teaching system is a sub system of the social movement. In the second chapter, the history of Russia's different historical stage of the teaching of the process of evolution of the ancient history of the process of combing and analysis, and a brief summary of the characteristics of each era. On this base, the policy of the Russian Education in the future to teach and promote the strategy to stop all the master. Through the process of analysis of the invention, in the history of Russia, to teach the promotion of the ancient China is dominated by the state, the regional role of the display is unlimited. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the basic transformation of the federal system and the "go to the middle of the various regions" has led to a remarkable degree of regional education, such as decentralization and autonomy, the implementation of the three level curriculum management system, and the development of the national and regional advanced education. The third chapter examines important belgorodskayaoblast promoting the form of the ancient teachings. Belgorodskaya oblast is one of the areas in the country teach vigorous, but also teach the absolute concentration and full regional capital. Current, Belgorod taught ancient priorities important is in popular education field, aimed at through the implementation of the comprehensive transformation plan, namely, the implementation of the new teacher pay system, the introduction of scale quota allocation mechanism, growing regional teaching quality evaluation system, optimizing the regional popular education institutions to collect and expand public participation in governance in the teaching, establish modern popular education system, in order to ensure for statewide national supply universal excellent teaching. In the implementation of the reform plan, it is sufficient to consider its own regional characteristics and the existing teaching growth status, and to promote the reform and development of the ancient china. Taught ancient appeared out of the bright time characteristic: in order to establish a specific thought leading education reform and development; to comprehensive transformation plan to promote the teaching process of ancient; to teacher professional growth driven teaching quality promotion. The fourth chapter examines the important Krasnoyarsk border area promoting the form of ancient teachings. Krasnoyarsk border area is one of the earliest Russian Regional Education Development in the. After the border district of Krasnoyarsk important to accelerate the completion of the industrial structure restructuring, promoting social comprehensive improvement, promoting economic diversification growth for the purpose and motive, easy to teach to its excellent balance and progress quality focus, the elementary and secondary vocational teaching and strong adaptability, diversity, social, senior vocational education and regional economic interaction idea of groping. From promoting teaching ancient theory point of view, border district of Krasnoyarsk in the growth of education in keep all round improvement, keep the focus on the development, keep innovation fumble, walked out of a bright ancient characteristics and regional characteristics of the ancient teachings growth path. The fifth chapter examines the important Sakha Republic promoting the form of ancient teachings. The Republic of Russia's largest Louis federal body, Russia is at present the most lively teaching growth area. Teaches basic weakness, to teach more objects organized learning request eager, taught the lack of capital is "bottleneck" of the control of the Republic of Sakha teach growth. The premise of the existing, Sakha Republic adopted the "two"

