
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Ivan III was the inventor of the same Russian state. In the era of its rule, the initial composition of the same country in russia. He initially set up a centralized system of the same country, set up a set of centralized national system and national institutions, to stop the military transformation, enhance the control of the army. Announced the first national code -- the 1497 code, useful to protect the benefits of feudal lords, enhance the grass-roots national exploitation, in Russia has been preliminarily established serfdom. The transformation of this series of measures on the impact of Russia is extremely far-reaching. Ivan III ruled era, not only free the alien domination, basically with a break to set up a separatist regime by force of arms of Russia, and Russia from a long-term mixed bullying the country jumped to become a let the world as the target side growing country. In this paper, important to Ivan III how with Ross the principality, relief alien rule, establish a centralized national rail system and mechanism for a more detailed elaboration.


摘要   4   外文摘要   5-7   前言   7-9   一、伊凡三世与俄罗斯统一的历史前提   9-24       (一) 伊凡三世生平简介   9-12       (二) 俄罗斯国家统一的历史前提   12-24           1、14-15世纪罗斯社会经济政治的发展   12-17           2、东正教会的支持   17-18           3、蒙古统治者对俄罗斯的作用   18-20           4、莫斯科大公国的兴起   20-24   二、俄罗斯统一国家形成   24-37       (一) 伊凡三世对罗斯各公国的征服   24-30           1、对诺夫哥罗德共和国的征服   24-29           2、征服特维尔大公国   29-30       (二) 摆脱外族统治与国家的独立和统一   30-37           1、摆脱金帐汗国的统治   31-34           2、击败波兰--立陶宛的入侵   34-36           3、与立沃尼亚骑士团的斗争   36-37   三、伊凡三世对统一国家的治理   37-42       (一) 政治经济改革   37-40       (二) 《1497年法典》的颁布   40-42   余论--对伊凡三世及俄罗斯统一国家形成的历史评价   42-45   注释   45-54   致谢   54  
