摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) Java如今曾经从一种平台有关的编程说话演化成一种与厂商及平台有关的硬朗的办事器端技巧,它促使IT业界深刻挖掘以Web为焦点的应用法式的伟大潜力。J2ME的涌现使这一变更到达了一个新的高度。J2ME,简称Java2平台微型版(Java2Platform,Micro Edition (J2ME)),是SUN企业在J2SE和J2EE以后,努力于电子花费产物和嵌入式装备的最好处理计划。作为Java中三个版本之一,J2ME在无线编程技巧中正施展着它特别的感化。J2ME在为小型电子装备上创立卓著机能的收集应用供给了一套完全的处理计划。它也使得装备制作商、办事供给商及应用开辟人员为本身的用户宣布新的软件应用成为能够。本篇论文重要引见的是基于J2ME的蓝牙联网俄罗斯方块游戏的设计与完成,它是运用手机蓝牙装备停止多人联网游戏的法式。跟着今朝硬件机能的晋升,俄语论文,今朝在手机上开辟游戏曾经成为一个新的经济增加点,一个疾速增加的家当。今朝开辟出的单机版手机游戏在交互性和视觉后果上曾经有了很年夜的晋升,同时因为无线收集的成长,特别是蓝牙技巧的成长,使得开辟局域网联机蓝牙游戏成了能够。本软件为基于J2ME(?)勺蓝牙联网俄罗斯方块游戏,其开辟重要包含蓝牙装备、办事治理模块和游戏逻辑掌握治理模块开辟两个方面。文中重要包含可行性剖析、需求剖析、概要设计、具体设计等,并经由过程流程图和文字加以说明解释。经由剖析,本文运用了IBM企业的Eclipse开辟对象和相干的VE图形开辟插件和J2ME开辟插件EclipseMe,运用其供给的各类面向对象的开辟对象,在短时光内树立软件应用框架,俄语论文范文,然后,对初始框架停止赓续改良和修改,直到构成一个满足的适用软件。 Abstract: Java has now from a platform related programming talk evolved into a with manufacturers and platform of tough server end skills. It enables the IT industry deep mining to web focused by French great potential. The emergence of J2ME makes this a change to a new height. J2ME, referred to as Java2 platform Micro Edition (Java2Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME)), is in the SUN J2SE and J2EE, the best treatment plan to spend on electronic products and embedded equipment. As one of the three versions of Java, J2ME in the wireless programming skills is to display its special function. J2ME provides a complete treatment plan in the collection and use of electronic equipment for small outstanding function founded on. It also makes the equipment manufacturers, service providers and application developers for the user's own announced new software applications can be. This paper describes the design and implementation of Bluetooth networking Tetris game based on J2ME, it is the application of mobile phone Bluetooth equipment stop multiplayer game program. Follow current hardware function promotion, today on the phone open game has become a new economic growth point and a rapid increase of possessions. Today opened a stand-alone version of the mobile phone game in interactivity and visual effects have very big promotion, also because of the growth of the wireless network, especially the growth of Bluetooth, the open LAN Bluetooth on-line game to. This software is based on J2ME (? ) the Bluetooth networking Tetris game, including the development of the Bluetooth equipment, service management module and game logic master management module to develop two aspects. Include feasibility analysis, requirement analysis, outline design, detailed design etc. in this paper, and through the process flow charts and text to explain. Through analysis, this paper used the IBM's eclipse open objects and coherent ve graphics open plug-in and J2ME development plug-in EclipseMe. Application of the supply of all kinds of object-oriented development object, in a short period of time set application software framework. Then, the initial framework stop Geng continued improvement and modification, until the formation of a meet the applicable software. 目录: 摘要 10-11 ABSTRACT 11 第一章 绪论 12-25 1.1 课题背景 12-13 1.2 课题实用性略论 13 1.3 国内外探讨近况 13-14 1.4 探讨内容及先进技术 14-15 1.5 系统开发主要技术 15-25 1.5.1 ECLIPSE简介 15 1.5.2 蓝牙技术简介 15-19 1.5.3 J2ME简介 19-22 1.5.4 MIDP (移动信息设备简表) 22-25 第二章 需求略论 25-32 2.1 目的和意义 25 2.2 可行性探讨 25-26 2.2.1 经济上可行性 25 2.2.2 技术上可行性 25-26 2.2.3 运行上可行性 26 2.2.4 法学可行性 26 2.3 需求略论 26-30 2.3.1 系统目标和解决的问题 27 2.3.2 评价具体需求略论 27 2.3.3 工作流程略论 27-28 2.3.4 系统设计思想 28 2.3.5 系统设计略论 28-29 2.3.6 系统功能需求略论 29-30 2.4 游戏规则需求略论 30-32 2.4.1 游戏基本规则描述 30-31 2.4.2 蓝牙连接对战规则略论描述 31-32 第三章 概要设计 32-37 3.1 系统要求 32 3.2 系统功能 32 3.3 运行环境 32 3.4 总体设计 32-37 3.4.1 游戏框架 32-33 3.4.2 游戏流程 33-34 3.4.3 游戏初始化过程序列图 34-35 3.4.4 本地玩家游戏状态变化图 35-36 3.4.5 远端玩家游戏状态变化图 36-37 第四章 详细设计 37-49 4.1 目的 37 4.2 软件结构图 37-42 4.2.1 蓝牙主从设备选择图 37-38 4.2.2 蓝牙运用程序活动图 38 4.2.3 蓝牙设备发现、服务发现图 38-41 4.2.4 系统类图 41-42 4.3 程序描述 42-49 第五章 系统关键部分实现措施 49-68 5.1 软件简介 49 5.2 设备要求 49 5.3 安装方式 49-50 5.4 关键部分实现措施 50-61 5.4.1 游戏基本部分实现措施 51 5.4.2 方块产生部分的算法描述 51-58 5.4.3 方块运动和满行消除的算法实现 58-61 5.5 操作使用 61-65 5.6 系统测试 65-68 5.6.1 测试的过程 66-67 5.6.2 测试的结果与调试 67-68 结束语 68-69 参考文献 69-71 致谢 71-72 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 72 |