中图分类号:F12文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-2738(2017)02-0336-01 Extremely serious problem is the regulation of the customs regime in Russia. Currently, a number of foreign companies, realizing the import-substitution projects, faced with a situation in which the existing rates of customs duties on raw materials, components and finished goods production in Russia make it inappropriate. The Western press, this phenomenon has been called ''syndrome IBM''. IBM was forced to turn the assembly of computers in Russia due to the fact that import duties on components were higher than for imported personal computers. Unfavorable investment climate for the country hosting the investment, the real monetary value, which estimated economic loss due to shortfalls in significant investment and low efficiency "working" capital. For potential investors in Russia in the analysis of the political situation plays a crucial role in government policy on foreign investment, the likelihood of nationalization of foreign property, the country's participation in the systems of international agreements on various issues, the strength of state institutions, the continuity of political authority, the degree of state intervention in the economy, etc. etc. The investment climate negatively affect not only direct restrictions on the activities of foreign firms in the law, but also the blurring and instability of legislation particularly the host country, since it deprives the investor the possibility of instability to predict the development of events, which reduces the return on investment. One manifestation of the crisis in the Russian economy is the investment crisis, which means long-term declining trend of investment and, consequently, the rapid obsolescence of fixed assets and thereby endangering not only the loss of competitiveness, but also the possibility of the existence of many companies and industries. Recovering from the crisis depends on the solution investment. Among the main economic parameters considered when assessing the investment climate on the general state of the economy, the situation in the monetary, financial and credit systems, customs regime, the use of labor (labor costs and its correlation with the average level of skills and productivity). Greater role in assessing the social environment for investment are indicators related to foreign investment in the community, the degree of stratification, the presence or absence of agreement on basic issues of economic and social development, unemployment, the possibility of strikes. The potential of the Russian market This indicator is measured by population, GNP and the value of GNP per capita. The single market of the former Soviet Union had in its scope and potential (number of customers) advantage over the markets of Eastern Europe. At the same time, the purchasing power of the population (measured by income of the population, GNP and GNP per capita)was lower here than, for example, in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland. The number of potential consumers is a more important factor in assessing the market potential of large Western companies, in which production is based on the principle of mass consumption standards. For these firms a single market of the former Soviet Union was more attractive than the markets of Eastern European countries. For small and medium-sized companies, in which production is based on individualized consumption, the decisive factor in assessing the potential of foreign markets is the purchasing power of the population, and for them the single market of the former Soviet Union lost in comparison with markets in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland. For most companies, according to many Western observers, the potential of the single market the former Soviet Union has long been regarded as a huge and was a major incentive for investors. Present-day realities are such that as a result of political changes and the disintegration of states that were part of the Soviet Union, largely lost this advantage and exceptionally capacious single market. Not a single market and the CIS States. Today, among the CIS member states clearly delineated group, whose leaders were proposing a coherent economic policy and integration. This is Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Governments of these countries signed an agreement aimed at restoring the broken production relations, coordination of tax and price policies, the organization of the normal operation of transport and other aspects that ensure the functioning of the common market. Other CIS countries, such as the Ukraine, increasingly isolating their market. Under these conditions, the potential investor is forced to orient to the markets of individual countries - former Soviet republics. Trends in the disintegration of the Russian Federation have a negative impact on the overall appreciation of the potential of the single market and significantly reduce the importance of this factor for foreign investors. Labor resources in Russia attracted foreign investors abundance, cheapness, and high qualifications. The level of wages in Russia are estimated U.S. consulting firm, "Economics Plano" did not exceed 3-3.5 dollars per hour and has fallen far, far lower than in Western countries (e.g. France the minimum hourly wage is 5.4 dollars in U.S. $ 6). Under present conditions there is a need to re-evaluate the benefits of Russia's ability to attract FDI. There is no doubt that the ability of the Russian market or exit through Russia to the markets of third countries are far from exhausted, as well as natural resources. But we must bear in mind that when choosing the location of the investments in global markets investors are guided by complex considerations. For many countries, especially the most developed in the forefront rather than cheap labor, as her skills, attitude to work and other quality parameters. The cheapness of the same qualifications and the Russian workforce is largely a myth. Russian labor force is relatively cheap in relation to market economies, but not in comparison to many developing countries. As in other developing countries, its price increases. However, with the quality parameters of Russia's labor situation is not quite right. Ratings of Swiss Institute of Beri in quality of labor (integral index of quality of labor is calculated as a weighted average of 4 components: labor law and collective bargaining agreements, the relationship between wage levels and labor productivity, labor discipline and attitude to work, skills of workers) are not confirm the widespread view of the presence of the competitive advantages of Russia in this field. Russia, according to this ranking, is only a third of the four designated groups from 49 states. The third group comprises countries where in principle we can allocate capital, but the conditions for this are not very good. This assessment of the quality of the Russian workforce is the result of bad evaluations of individual performance. If the state labor laws, collective bargaining agreements, employee qualifications are evaluated with respect to the average level, work discipline and attitude to work, the relationship between wage levels and productivity - is very low. Russia has a highly developed scientific potential and a good level of technology and scientific developments, particularly the military. In the former Soviet Union to work more than 5,000 scientific research institutes, most of which focused on Russia. Soviet scientists at the forefront of many scientific and technical research. Examples include aerospace, metallurgy, research in extreme cold, the development of medical instruments, selection of work in extreme climatic conditions. Unfortunately, in Russia the situation in science is not only not improved but deteriorated sharply due to reduced research funding from the budget. Russia is well provided with their own natural resources, raw materials and energy. Its territory (17 million sq. km.) More than 7 times the territory occupied by all the EU countries. Russia has significant water and vegetation, in particular, it leads to possess the most valuable in the economic field of forest resources. Focused on its territory occupying one of the first places in the world of stocks of commercial fish and game animals. Russia is the largest producer of crude oil and natural gas. However, the infrastructure can only be assessed as very poor. In Russia, the very low density of railways and roads (25 times lower than in Germany, 10 times lower than in Poland). Russia lags far behind Western and many Eastern European countries in terms of telecommunications development. If in the Sweden's 100 residents accounted for 63 telephones in the USA-50-39 in Japan, then in Russia-10 devices. By the number of computers connected to communication networks, Russia lags behind the U.S. in about 300-500 times. We can conclude that even though Russia has a rich resource potential, the realization of opportunities available here directly related to the flow of economic reforms, the legislative framework and political environment for investment. Conclusion At the present time in Russia, unfavorable conditions for foreign investment. This is due to poor investment climate in general, the unstable political situation, the continuing economic downturn, poor infrastructure (financial, transport, service in the field of communications). High taxes, legal exposure and failure to resolve many issues of ownership are not conducive to investment in general, and foreign, in particular. One of the main reasons for the low activity of foreign investors - are not conducive to foreign investment policy of the state, the lack of them for MFN, which was created in many developing countries and provides a high impact. Foreign investors are deterred inconsistency of economic policy, constantly changing the "rules of the game." One feature of scaring off foreign investors that Russia is the Russian way of thinking. It is very difficult to reorient people to unfamiliar soviet Russia (though in the past) market economy. It is interesting to view Russell Mead, who believes that Russia can not control their territory. ''Every time, returning from Russia, I am more and more strengthened in the conviction: no billions invested West into the Russian economy will not do her good. It's like spitting into the fire.'' Most devastating and hopeless feature in Russia as obvious in Vladivostok, as well as in Tyumen and Moscow, is the lack of work ethic. ''They steal everything here. Workers steal. Therefore, they are not interested in efficiency and cost of raw materials. Waiters steal, so they are not interested in customers. Army officials steal, so they are not interested in improving military discipline and to establish order in the army. Under the Russian system no free economy does not work.'' References: 1. Глазьев С. “Стабилизация и экономический рост” М., Ж. “Вопросы экономики”, №1,2002 г. 2. Иностранные инвестиции в России современное состояние и перспективы / Под ред. И.П. Фаминского - М.: Международные отношения, 2002. 3. Касаткин Г. Инвестиционный климат в России: лучше не стало // Рынок ценных бумаг. 2000. № 12. 4. Инвестиции / под ред. Г.П.Подшиваленко-М.:КНОРУС,2017 5. Хазанович Э.С. Иностранные инвестиции: учеб. пособие Э.С. Хазанович - М.: КНОРУС,2017 6. Об иностранных инвестициях в РФ: Федер.закон от 9.07.1999г. №160-ФЗ 7. Дробышева И. Иностранные инвесторы предпочитают 100 процентов контроля // Золотой рог.- 2001.- 24 февраля. 8. 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