
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-21

Abstract:With the deepening of the curriculum reform in our country, change of classroom teaching evaluation standards, highlighting the main body status of students in teaching, new curriculum teaching requirements from single knowledge teaching into the students autonomous learning guidance, not only to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills and to form a student's emotion, attitude and value view, ability. Therefore, how to create autonomous learning situation, stimulate students' subjective initiative, cultivate students' autonomous learning ability is an important task of the current deepening the teaching reform, this paper mainly from the meaning of inspiration, the principles and requirements of the heuristic teaching, heuristic teaching method to illustrate in Russian teaching inspiration thinking and practice of how to achieve the best combination of and optimize the teaching and learning process, improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching.

