摘要:俄汉报刊标题都有其自身的风格。不同的语言文化传统使俄汉标题存在着异同。这些给非本族的俄语学习者阅读俄文报刊造成了一定的困难,标题是文章的点睛之笔。因此对标题的探讨也就极为重要。从词汇,时态,修辞和标点符号四个方面研讨了俄汉新闻标题的差异。旨在更好的理解俄语报刊标题内容,提高报刊阅读能力。 Abstract:Russian and Chinese newspapers and periodicals have their own style. Different languages and cultures have different titles. These to non-native Russian learners to read Russian newspapers caused some difficulties, the title is the punchline. So the study of the title is very important. The similarities and differences of Russian news headlines from four aspects: vocabulary, tense, rhetoric and punctuation. Aims to better understand the contents of Russian newspapers and periodicals, improve the ability to read newspapers and periodicals. 引言:一、引论无论学哪种外语,阅读报刊都是学习其鲜活语言的一条非常好的途径。报纸的内容新颖、包罗万象,涉及政治、经济、科学、宗教、军事、外交、艺术、文化、风俗等众多领域。它的时效性极强,能够及时、快速地反应外语本身的不断变化。在报刊中,语法律、修辞学、词汇学、文 ,俄语专业论文,俄语毕业论文 |