
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

通往爱情之路The road to love




Manuel Puig is a Argentina novelist in the post explosion of the Latin American literature. Born in 1932 in Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1956 years after graduation from college went to Rome to do a film director professional, after graduation was an assistant director of several films, film script creation and engaged in film production tasks after returning to the mid 60's puyg beginning in literary creation. "Kiss of the Spider Woman" is puyg's fourth novel, this is definitely one of all his novels have the biggest impact on the. In 1976 reveal, have been translated into many languages and adapted into movies. It is the universal die, it should be replaced by the declaration and a large amount of popular literature situation Nianye hero dialogue between heart and monologue, all forms of the hard-edged, became one of his most representative works. In the novels of the two protagonists dialogue as the main clues, slowly show their inner world, a deep understanding buried in their hearts, from the front to expose the actual situation of Argentina society. The author discusses the film story with the hero to hand to remind the insurgents strive to change the social complex inner world, on the other hand, from the social and psychological aspects of mind, multi-level analysis of the heterosexual cause people increasingly valued social performance. This paper focuses on the analysis of the character of Molina abstract, from his special identity (novel external arguer, heterosexual) hands, then to analyze his relationship with the film (film narrator, characters and Simulation of film and beyond) to visit his first love (love, follow the road lost to the original Nirvana). In the Molina and this novel discusses the profound analysis of the same time, we also know that the author Puig's own literary creation of the unique style, his personal views on some social achievements and the author's own life and value.


RESUMEN   9-10   摘要   10   INTRODUCCIóN   12-20   CAPíTULO I LA PERSONALIDAD ESPECIAL DE MOLINA   20-39       1.1 El narrador interior de la novela   20-24       1.2 Molina: el homosexual --- la encarnación del mismo autor   24-39           1.2.1 Los a os terribles mantenidos hostiles a los homosexuales   25-27           1.2.2 Molina: en su cuerpo vive una mujer   27-34           1.2.3 Discusiones acerca de la represión sexual y la liberación sexual   34-39   CAPíTULO II LA CORRELACIóN ENTRE MOLINA Y EL CINE   39-50       2.1 Molina: el que narra, imita y sobrepasa las figuras fílmicas   39-45       2.2 Las películas--puente sentimental entre los dos protagonistas   45-50           2.2.1 El conflicto en cuanto a entender e interpretar las películas   45-47           2.2.2 La convergencia de las interpretaciones   47-50   CAPíTULO III EL CAMINO HACIA EL AMOR   50-62       3.1 Búsqueda y pérdida en el amor   50-52       3.2 Realizando su valor luchando por amor   52-62           3.2.1 El edén del amor: la celda   52-57           3.2.2 El nirvana de la mujer de ara a: el cumplimiento del sue o y de la libertad   57-62   CONCLUSIóN   62-69   NOTAS   69-72   BIBLIOGRAFíA CONSULTADA   72-74  
