
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

西班牙之歌探寻阿尔贝尼斯钢琴著作西班牙组曲》The Spanish song of Albeniz's piano works "Spanish suite"




The Spanish national music has always been famous for its unique artistic charm. Albeniz is Spanish plain near family music main representative figures and lay people, known as "Spanish music pioneer. He created a total of more than 500 pieces, 300 first piano works. His music works, tastes, the music speaks has very strong artistic appeal. "Spanish suite" is one of the representatives of Albeniz, is a composer in London in the era of nostalgia for. The suite consists of "Granada", "Catalonia", "Seville" and other eight independent works. This article will be from the point of view of melody, rhythm and so on to analyze the Spanish pianist Albert nice piano works "Spanish suite" op.47, fumbling in creation period characteristic and civilization with the king at the same time, through the analysis of the Spanish piano works of creation techniques, style, features and playing skills analysis etc.. The process research "suite", and found the author and composer in creation the Spanish plain near family style of piano works of applied a large amount of triplet, cut sections of shoot and the dotted rhythm etc. techniques. Through the analysis of these techniques are useful for us to sum up the characteristics of Spanish music, and we have a certain inspiration for the future of music creation. Play the Spanish piano music not only need to know the relevant cultural knowledge, should also be familiar with Spanish music creation means, which is beneficial to us to better digestion and receive foreign music essence, to expand the vision of our art, beneficial to our better nano the eve of the division of work. At the same time, the playing skills of the works are used for the teaching of piano teaching, which is beneficial to the rich teaching content and improve the teaching of our piano teaching.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   第一章 引言   7   第二章 作曲家阿尔贝尼斯的生平和他的创作   7-11       一.西班牙的音乐历史   7-8       二.阿尔贝尼斯的音乐人生   8-10       三.阿尔贝尼斯的创作   10-11   第三章 阿尔贝尼斯的钢琴著作《西班牙组曲》   11-29       一.总括   12-13       二.《组曲》略论   13-29           (一) 第一首《格拉纳达》(Granada)   13-15           (二) 第二首《加泰罗尼亚人》(Cataluna)   15-17           (三) 第三首《塞维利亚》(Scvilla)   17-19           (四) 第四首《卡第斯》(Cadiz)   19-22           (五) 第五首《阿斯图里亚斯》(Asmrias—Leyenda)   22-24           (六) 第六首《阿拉贡》(Aragon)   24-26           (七) 第七首《卡斯蒂利亚》(Castillla)   26-27           (八) 第八首《古巴》(Cuba)   27-29   第四章 结语   29-30   致谢   30-31   参考书目和文献   31  
