
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

赞美阳光海洋大地色彩大师十九世纪西班牙画家索罗亚Praise the sun, the color of the sea and the earth master nineteenth Century Spanish painter Sorona




At the end of nineteenth Century is the traditional oriental classical painting and ancient times appear repeatedly faction. In the evolution of traditional and trendy, a department of Oriental Art in the traditional basic received to the impressionistic attention photochromic characteristics promote the realistic painting, which represents the traditional school of painting style and participated in the ancient light and direct drawing method of the leader is Sorolla junior Sargent in the United States, Sweden and Spain. From Valencia, Sorona, Spain's most famous painter of the sun. He is good at using natural fluent strokes said the Mediterranean the glare of the sun and full of strong local characteristic terroir with DOGU, gorgeous color with brightness, works out infinite heat and life force, each of his painting is Paean of life. From his paintings we saw a beautiful Spanish with sunshine and flowers. This article is divided into three chapters on Sorona's art to talk to stop the debate. The first chapter important is through the process of Sorolla paintings talk form the history and social background of the discussion, discuss its to Sorolla painting style influence. In the second chapter, divided into three stages about Sorolla art characteristics and evolution process, discusses the composition and the characteristics of Sorolla by late traditional college style to mid elements of Impressionism created light painting style and early congenial external light painting of modernism style, at the same time introduced the cable loa every stage of important painting subjects, divided into three large pieces: important late for traditional social realism and Classicism style indoor portrait, important in the medium term is to the sun and the eve of the sea as the theme of transformation mood atmosphere painting, early modernism comfortable light portrait and patio painting. First chapter discuss Sorolla art style to the people of the two main inspiration: life is the creation motive power and in the study of the eve of the division basically receiving and own other contemporary painting style to keep pace with the times. This paper through the analysis of Sorona's classic works of double crystal know and understand Sorona art style of tension. So that we can better integration through their own learning and creative.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   引言   7-8   一.索罗亚绘画语言的形成   8-11       1. 十九世纪末西班牙文化艺术的特征   8       2. 灿烂的西班牙古典写实主义绘画   8-10       3. 印象主义、新的艺术形式的崛起   10-11   二.索罗亚艺术的特征   11-27       1. 黑灰褐为主基调的传统写实手法,古典风格的肖像画   11-16       2. 美妙的阳光和充满生命力的海滩,独有的色彩与风格   16-23       3. 兼容并包、笔触与色彩形式的完美体现   23-27   三.索罗亚艺术风格的启示   27-30       1. 生活是创作的原动力   27-28       2. 与时俱进、兼收同时代的绘画风格   28-30   结语   30-33   攻读学位期间公开论文   33   参考文献   33-34   致谢   34  
