
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

骑士信仰一奥尔特加法学思想探讨A study of Knight's belief in Ortega's legal thoughts




In this paper, the system and the introduction of the ancient Spanish thinker Ortega? Gasset on the European integration, the eve of the main and regional autonomy and other important actual contributions. And the judicial thinking clue of Spain since at the end of the 19th century to the 20th century half leaf ginseng military dictatorship to the ancient plain near the main growth process and social, cultural and judicial background to carry on the comprehensive analysis and research. Through the process of the above actual combing and comprehensive analysis, explain Ortega? Gasset's judicial thoughts played an important role and far-reaching influence in the process of the transformation of the main social transformation of the ancient people in Spain. The history of the Spanish colonial powers in the country's posture, proud of Europe and even the world's head of the world. But along with the economic growth of the outdated and the United States and other emerging power projection, in 1898, the Spanish American beat for the fuse, Spain's falling and social civilization intense modifications. With Ortega? Gasser and Miguel de Unamuno wages on behalf of the "98 years", full of patriotic enthusiasm, separation from the political, economic, cultural and judicial aspects of the proposed transformation, to defend the country the same, the completion of the resurgence of ethnic. Ortega's judicial thoughts to country and folk sponsored theory based, advocation of European nations when read get rid of rigid ethnic country indecent, break the division of energy barriers, consequently the European integration can be accomplished with a "movable", jointly rescue Oriental to decline. Aiming at the meantime the Spanish Society of masses plain near the main tides, has always been adhering to the Ortega elitist political position and the calm analysis and decisive veto. Facing history god religion, Islam and Judaism "religion and common prosperity," the post, to regain power of "God teach double king" performance "religion driven" and "forced to convert" the legacy of the country break performance, Ortega keep performing "big division, perform autonomy" be persuasion, in order to defend country with a, the pursuit of growth in the future. Ortega is a very controversial figure, people regarded him as the father of the ancient Spanish energy, comparable to the historical position of Lu Xun in modern China; also will dismiss them as traitors and villains, but as for the Civil War era, he could not "vote with their feet" to flee the most outlandish. About Spain all is concerned, he is the country with a custodian; for all the Spanish speaking world, he is to constitutional government guide; about Europe is concerned, he is faced with the decline of the thinker; on the world is concerned, he is the inheritor of the knight spirit. History of eyesight, position of sympathy and criticism of the energy and compassion feelings is fortune Ortega left to posterity the most is worth to take seriously.

