
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

尔特加·加塞特高等教育思想探寻On Ortega Gasset's higher education thought




Ortega Gasset (Jos OrtegayGasset, 1883-1955) is a famous thinker, social activist and educator in Spain in twentieth Century. He went through the process of transformation of the university to complete the goal of social reform in spain. His advanced teaching ideas are focused on the task of the University, and in the book of Spanish and European ills, he puts forward his own views and ideas about the advanced education. Ortega y gasset from the new established university, establishing the instinct function of university professor civilization, professional teaching, scientific research and scientific training. Professor of medium civilization as university the main function, established by Mr. teaching method of middle; teacher's promotion on comprehensive quality and teaching ability, rather than to them as researchers of titles for the scale. University to implement the function of instinct, to complete the task, we need to society as a whole has superior competitive situation, hold a group of enthusiasm and belief, also has a strong will and determination. Ortega y gasset advanced education thought is in the shelter of the our country realistic basically in University efficacy of reasonable positioning, pay attention to cultivate all-round development of talents for China's higher education support has a certain significance. We first and foremost to settlement, of the University of illuminative effect, create a civilized professionals, in the process of transformation of internally generated other countries experience to do "its essence, to its dregs", establish suitable for the renovation plan for the national conditions.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   前言   9-13   第一章 奥尔特加·加塞特的生平及其高等教育思想形成的背景   13-16       第一节 奥尔特加·加塞特的生平   13-14           一、早期生活   13           二、求学经历   13-14           三、任教经历   14       第二节 奥尔特加·加塞特高等教育思想形成的时代背景   14-16   第二章 奥尔特加·加塞特高等教育思想的主要内容   16-32       第一节 奥尔特加·加塞特对社会及大学的批判   16-21           一、大学职能的缺失   16-17           二、大学管理体制存在缺陷   17-19           三、大学改革严重受阻   19-21       第二节 奥尔特加·加塞特论大学的使命   21-28           一、大学的三大职能   21-25           二、以学生为中心,促进学生的全面自由发展   25-27           三、教师的选拔   27-28       第三节 奥尔特加·加塞特论大学改革的策略   28-32           一、社会群体具有良好的竞技状态   29           二、社会需要拥有坚强意志和决心的一群人   29-30           三、改革需要热情和信心   30-32   第三章 奥尔特加·加塞特高等教育思想的特点及启示   32-37       第一节 奥尔特加·加塞特高等教育思想的特点   32-33           一、立足本国实际   32           二、对大学功能的合理定位   32-33           三、注重培养全面发展的人才   33       第二节 奥尔特加·加塞特高等教育思想对我国大学改革的启示   33-37           一、培养具有文化修养的专业人才   33-34           二、改革要借鉴而不能全盘照搬   34-36           三、回归大学的启蒙功能   36-37   参考文献   37-41   致谢   41  
