
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

新世纪德罗·阿尔莫多瓦的电影嬗变On the evolution of Pedro Almodovar's films in the new century




Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar is the world famous film division, has "the desire of the eve of the division," the "female division," said. In his film, the most humane to be excavated, the heart of the most real desire to get the most real. After his late film came out, has aroused great social reaction and the film industry's attention. Almodovar never taboo in his works express his category of political, religious, and taboo of extreme positions, Nianye wantonly break out orderly social order, the eve of the biliary touch, let him become an overturned the traditional people. Almodovar is good at the film, said the emotional vulnerable women Abstract and the bottom of the community people's market business career, but filled with the desire to live. In Almodovar's film, the Spanish national character is fully expressed in any of the details of which. This paper will through the discussion on the Pedro Almodovar film, especially's works since the beginning of the 21st century, to discuss its mature artistic achievements, profound ideological position, the skillful shooting skills and preserved in the film industry, there is no play, feeling he followed by an increase in the age and gradually settling up deep thought; also through the process of its work style characteristics analysis to interpret the film popular reason of world cinema and for all eternity, clear his growth a Spanish ethnic film property, and the world movie career growth, made outstanding contribution.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   引言   9-12   第1章 佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦的导演风格   12-22       1.1 佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦的影片风格   12-17           1.1.1 题材选择的市井化和边缘化   12-13           1.1.2 女性主义的刻意放大   13-14           1.1.3 后现代的奇幻身份   14-16           1.1.4 色彩的绚丽夸张   16-17       1.2 佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦影片的创作时期划分   17-22           1.2.1 青涩的初创期   17-18           1.2.2 多变的风格形成期   18-19           1.2.3 走向朴实的成熟期   19-22   第2章 新世纪佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦影片题材的嬗变   22-34       2.1 对女性主义的诠释更为积极   22-27           2.1.1 女性角色更加温婉坚强   22-24           2.1.2 母亲的形象更加高大   24-25           2.1.3 男性角色的正面形象增多   25-27       2.2 看待性和欲望的态度有所转变   27-33           2.2.1 由欲望到爱的过渡   28-30           2.2.2 欲望和死亡的关系   30-32           2.2.3 一种爱的救赎   32-33       2.3 悲剧性元素的使用减少   33-34   第3章 新世纪佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦影片叙事风格的嬗变   34-40       3.1 叙事风格趋于冷静审视   34-35       3.2 叙事结构多样化   35-37       3.3 叙事技巧多样化   37-39       3.4 叙事节奏趋于平缓   39-40   第4章 新世纪佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦影片视听手段的嬗变   40-45       4.1 色彩浓郁而充满柔情   40-41       4.2 音乐浪漫而充满激情   41-42       4.3 人物造型和对白的有效使用   42-45   结语   45-46   参考文献   46-47   附录   47-48   致谢   48  
