
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

浅谈巴尔加斯·略萨的结构现实主义创作On Llosa Vargas's structural realism creation


马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨(Mario Vargas Llosa,1936—),具有秘鲁与西班牙两重国籍。他创作小说、脚本等,也曾导演舞台剧、片子,还掌管播送电视节目及从政。但在文学创作上的造诣最高,曾屡次取得各项文学年夜奖,西语专业论文,如西班牙评论奖、秘鲁国度小说奖等,并出书多部文学著作,以小说的数目最多,于2017年取得诺贝尔文学奖,成为第107位诺贝尔文学奖得主。巴尔加斯·略萨作为拉美爆炸文学的主将之一,西语论文范文,他为构造实际主义的成长成熟做出了卓著的进献。巴尔加斯·略萨借助他的著作,将拉美的社会实际,特别是秘鲁的社会实际真实地展示在读者眼前,本文在对巴尔加斯·略萨的著作停止解读的同时,力图研讨构造实际主义这一创作手段发生的汗青渊源,并试图梳理巴尔加斯·略萨的著作所表现出的构造实际主义的特点,进而懂得巴尔加斯·略萨对中国前锋派作家的作用,掌握构造实际主义对中国现代作家发生的主要作用。


Mario Vargas Llosa (Mario Vargas Llosa, 1936), Peru and Spain have dual nationality. He wrote novels and scripts, has directed drama, film, radio and television programs and also in charge of politics. But in the literary attainments highest, on several occasions to obtain the literature award, such as Spanish Critics Award, Peru national Fiction Award, and published many literary works, to the number of novels most in 2017 achieved the Nobel Prize for literature become 107th winner of the Nobel Prize in literature. Vargas Llosa is one of the commander in chief of the Latin American boom literature, he mature development of structural realism has made outstanding contributions. Vargas Llosa with his work, the social reality of Latin America, especially Peru's social actual real show in front of the reader, in the works of Vargas Llosa stop reading at the same time, trying to to investigate the structural realism the creation means the historical origin, the characteristics of structural realism and tries to comb Vargas Llosa works exhibited by, and understand the Vargas, Llosa of Chinese vanguard writers, master structural realism main influence on Modern Chinese writers.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   引言   7-9   一、结构现实主义的缘起   9-18       (一) 结构现实主义的内涵   9-13       (二) 结构现实主义与拉美现实主义   13-18   二、巴尔加斯·略萨的结构现实主义创作   18-36       (一) 色彩鲜明的现实主义特征   18-25           1. 直面现实   18-22           2. 虚构、幽默与夸张   22-25       (二) 灵活多变的立体结构   25-36           1. 借鉴与传承--意识流手法与影视手法的借鉴   25-30           2. 独具特色的结构技巧--连通管与中国套盒   30-32           3. 叙事技巧的别样性--话题衔接法与多变的叙事人   32-34           4. 繁琐与简洁--公文佐证法与材料隐略法   34-36   三、“马食夜草而肥”--巴尔加斯·略萨对中国作家的作用   36-41       (一) 中国作家对巴尔加斯·略萨的解读   36-37       (二) 中国当代作家对巴尔加斯·略萨的创作技巧的借鉴   37-41   结语   41-43   参考文献   43-48   致谢   48-49  
