
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

论格列柯绘画语言创新延伸On the innovation and extension of Greco's painting language


埃尔·格列柯(EI Greco,1541一1614)被以为是17世纪西班牙最主要的画家之一,他以不同凡响的创作手段奠基了本身的作风款式,在其时的时期,他的著作既能遭到贵族的欣赏又能遭到布衣的爱好,既有广泛性,又异常古代和前卫。但格列柯逝世后,人们逐步忘却了这位巨大的画家,他的名字也不被人提起,埋没在了汗青的尘埃中。随后其著作也被人以为是“荒谬”、“无聊”、“不值得一提”,而遭到萧条,在沉静快要3个世纪后,格列柯的著作又遭到印象派画家的推重,对他的从新认定由法国传入西班牙,并逐渐的使格列柯回生。格列柯是一个具有首创性的艺术家,也是一个寻求客观表示的艺术家,西语论文,他固执于本身的信心,打破文艺中兴传统的约束,西语论文题目,打破以往绘画的不雅念和情势,寻求小我对绘画的懂得,20世纪的古代派绘画年夜师毕加索称格列柯是东方“第一名古代派画家”。


EI Greco, 1541 a 1614) is thought of Spain in the 17th century the most important one of the painters, his extraordinary creative means laid the itself of style style, hobbies in the meantime period. His works can not only was the appreciation of noble and commoner was both widespread and ancient and avant-garde. But after the death of El Greco, people gradually forget the great painter, his name would not be mentioned, buried in the dust of history. Subsequently the works was also people thought it was "absurd", "boring", "not worth mentioning", by the depression, in the quiet for nearly three centuries after, the works of El Greco was again the Impressionists held in high esteem, on his from finds new imported from France, Spain and gradually enable Greco retrogradation. EI Greco is a artists with initiative, is also a seek objective representation of the artist, he persists in the faith, breaking the Renaissance of traditional constraints, break the painting in the past concept and circumstance, for personal painting know 20th century ancient sent Picasso painting the eve of the Division said Greco Oriental "first ancient painter".


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   前言   7-8   一、格列柯绘画风格演变及艺术寻根   8-18       (一)、克里特岛时期   8-10       (二)、威尼斯时期   10-13       (三)、罗马时期   13-16       (四)、托莱多时期   16-18   二、时代的创新   18-29       (一)、绘画观念的创新   19-23       (二)、艺术语言的革新   23-27       (三)、风格形成的心理阐释   27-29   三、格列柯绘画语言的时代性   29-31       (一)、特定历史环境下的格列柯   29-30       (二)、格列柯绘画贡献的再定位   30-31   四、格列柯绘画语言的现代意义   31-37       (一)、神秘主义色彩   32-33       (二)、主观情感的体现   33-35       (三)、人物造型特点   35       (四)、蓝色时期以及对空间的概念   35-37   五、结语   37-38   注释   38-40   参考文献   40-42   附件   42-52       (一)、格列柯年谱   42-45       (二)、图片   45-52   后记   52  
