
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

热那亚兴衰原因论Genoa rise and fall reason theory




The beginning of the 11th century to at the beginning of the 17th century Genoese rise and decline of the process has been studied and this time Genoese history is divided into three stages. The first stage in the 11th century to the 14th century in the second half of the; the second phase of the 14th century in the second half to 16th century half leaf; the third phase of the 16th century half leaf to the 17th century half leaf. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into three parts. First part briefly describes the Genoese geography, and summon up the background, then briefly discusses the Genoa Longsheng, originally from Genoa's Eve and Genoa the wrist and other aspects, focused on analyzing the Genoa from behind to Longsheng reason. Analysis pointed out that the superior internal situation and continuously fighting success promoted Genoa longsheng. In this era, the history of Genoa is an important feature of the battle and expansion. The second section first briefly discusses the process of Genoa decline, and then from the changes in the international situation, focusing on the reasons for the formation of such results. Analysis pointed out that the political struggle of frequent natural disasters, more important is to compete with rivals the fail in its decline. An important characteristic in this era in Genoa's history is a powerful country continuously weakened after bankruptcy. The third sector first a brief introduction to the Genoa again Longsheng process, then focuses on the Genoese Longsheng reasons are analyzed from the aspects of the relationship between trade and finance and Spain. Analysis pointed out that the alliance with Spain, trade growth, the financial sector is the reason of this era victory Genoa longsheng. An important characteristic in this era in Genoa's history is the financial industry longsheng.


中文摘要   2-3   英文摘要   3   引言和文献综述   6-9   第一章 热那亚兴起的原因探寻   9-25       1.1 良好的外部环境为热那亚的兴盛提供了上好的舞台   9-11       1.2 城市国家的上升时期为热那亚的兴盛提供了良好的时代背景   11-12       1.3 战争促成了热那亚的兴盛   12-23       1.4 商业贸易的广泛扩张是热那亚兴盛的基石   23-25   第二章 热那亚为什么走向衰落?   25-38       2.1 政治斗争不断是热那亚衰落的内因   26-28       2.2 欧洲普遍不幸的大环境加速了热那亚的衰落   28-31       2.3 外部斗争的失败是热那亚衰落的决定性原因   31-38   第三章 热那亚再次兴盛的原因   38-47       3.1 大西洋和地中海的良好形势给热那亚的复兴带来了机遇   38-39       3.2 同西班牙结盟为热那亚的复兴提供了保障   39-42       3.3 商业贸易的兴盛为热那亚金融业的繁荣奠定了经济基础   42-43       3.4 金融业的繁荣造就了热那亚的繁荣   43-47   结语   47-49   参考文献   49-52   附录   52-53   后记   53-54   湖南师范大学学位论文原创性声明   54  
