
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

《永恒的公主》翻译报告—英语介词的翻译Translation of "the eternal Princess" - the translation of English Prepositions




"Princess" tadatsune female writer Philippa Gregory's creation of "Tudor five:" first. This book tells the life of Queen Catherine of ups and downs. Catherine is a man of noble birth, dear parents is the Spanish King Queen, born to be betrothed to King Henry VII's eldest son Arthur. The title of the book is the eternal Princess ", is due to the book in a masterstroke, it is important to write the Spanish Princess Catalina how loyal to the commitment of the first husband Prince Arthur, step by step ascend the queen of the English throne and become Queen Catherine. Book to take a third person and first person alternant emergence of means, both objectivity description, and the protagonist's heart monologue. In the process of translation, I met all kinds of hard, for example, the translation of long sentences, Oriental civilization with noun translation, and the take assimilation still should adopt domestication. However, the most interesting is the translation of English prepositions in this book. English prepositions are one of the main links between sentences and articles. English prepositions are very lively, almost everywhere, and the meaning of the smart, the effectiveness of more than. In absolute terms, the Chinese language is rarely used, and many Chinese prepositions are from the verb "borrow", meaning is not like the English prepositions. Considering the features of English Prepositions and the differences between English and Chinese two languages, the translation of English prepositions is emphasized. The application of English prepositions in this study basically, be arranged, translation methods of English prepositions. This report puts forward three ways of translating English prepositions, namely, translation, translation, and translation. In Chinese, translation is the key. At first, it is difficult and important for English learners to use the flexible and changeable English prepositions. I hope that through the process of studying the translation of English prepositions, can better control the prepositions, and applied to the theory.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   摘要   6-7   CONTENT   7-8   1. TASK DESCRIPTION   8-16       1.1 Background information of the source text   8-13           1.1.1 Brief introduction of the author   8-9           1.1.2 Brief introduction of The Constant Princess   9-11           1.1.3 Comments of The Constant Princess   11-12           1.1.4 General idea of the selected part   12-13       1.2 Reasons for the selection   13-16   2 PROCESS DESCRIPTION   16-20       2.1 Pre-translation Preparations   16-18           2.1.1 Characteristics of a historical fiction novel   16-17           2.1.2 Characteristics of The Constant Princess   17-18       2.2 Translation process   18-19           2.2.1 Dictionaries, electronic tools and references   18           2.2.2 Translation schedule   18           2.2.3 Translation strategy   18-19       2.3 Proofreading and quality control   19-20   3 CASE STUDY   20-28       3.1 Prepositions   20       3.2 Categories of English prepositions   20-22           3.2.1 Simple prepositions and compound prepositions   20-21           3.2.2 Classification by complements   21           3.2.3 Semantic Classification   21-22       3.3 Methods of translating English prepositions   22-28           3.3.1 Literal Translation   22-23           3.3.2 Word Class Conversion   23-26           3.3.3 Preposition Omission   26-28   4. CONCLUSION   28-30   REFERENCE   30-32   APPENDICE   32-60       Appendix A   32-48       Appendix B   48-60  
